Chapter 13- Dirty Laundry

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Asia's point of View

"Did you hear what i said?" Miaoni asked looking at me concerned.

"No I'm sorry , I just feel so bad I just cant stop thinking about how guilty I feel for going through with that." I said curling up under the covers in Baby's bed.

"Asia, you did the right thing." Miaoni said rubbing through my hair.

"But did I though?"

"You did what you felt was right for you Asia, don't regret that."

"It feels so wrong Miaoni! He's going to hate me!"I sobbed looking at the ultrasound pictures.

"He's not going to find out;just get rid of all this evidence you got sitting around." Mimi said taking the clinic documentation and ultrasound pictures from me.

I snatched it back defensively before getting up ,burying the documents in the bottom of the dresser and tossing clothes over it. "This is hard for me, i just killed a part of me and him... without even talking about it with him first."

"Asia what was there to talk about? You know he would've talked you out of what you really wanted for yourself. Its going to be okay, you will get your time to be a mom Asia, and you'll be ready..." Miaoni said rubbing her small but noticeable pudge.

I instantly felt a pinch of jealousy brewing but i didnt want to project my feelings on to my good sis. She's been so supportive to me. I know what she's saying is true.

"I just need some time to be alone Mimi, thanks for everything. I just cant right now." I said getting back into the bed and under the covers.

" you sure babes?"

"Yes , ill call you later. Love you." I rushed out before hiding my face under the cover. I couldnt hold back my tears anymore and i didnt want her to see me cry. Miaoni is like the toughest person i know.

"Okay sis, get some rest, imma stay here in Caines room for tonight just in case you arent feeling well and need me , okay? Just call my phone ill come running."


"Love you sis." Mimi said before i heard the door open and shut.

What did i do? God, what did i do? Baby is going to hate me. He's going to kill me and never forgive me. Why did i just go through with that without even telling Him? I just killed our baby, my baby. I started to sob until i heard the door open and shut again.

"Miaoni i said im fine, i just dont wanna be bothered." I cried. I felt the bed dip and the covers were pulled from my face. When I unclenched my eyes Baby's eyes were staring back full of concern. I damn near jumped out of my body and my heart was in my ass.

"You arent okay, baby , tell me whats wrong?" He asked so gently i couldnt look him in the face so i just threw myself in his arms and cried for what felt like forever. He pulled away and began to speak but stopped when something caught his eyes. He got up and i followed his gaze he reached for the trash can and pulled out the positive pregnancy test that were still sitting on the top of the trash. Fuck.

"Baby, you having my seed?" He smiled before kissing all over me and i started to cry harder. He just laughed and started trying to pull down my pajama pants. Qe  my

"Chauncey stop." I said seriously while gripping his hands and pushing him away and he grabbed my wrist noticing ef i had a hospital band g

"What happened to my seed Asia?" He asked almost knowing. His jaw was clenched and his fist we're already balled up. The look alone he was giving me had me ready to bolt out the door.

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