Chapter 28

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Zungu dropped me off at school today , I am attending three classes. I haven't made any friends and I am not really looking for friends , I just have people that I talk to . Right now I am seated in the class room while the kids are outside enjoying their lunch,  I was busy trying to study. My phone rang and my Aunts name flashed on the screen I sigh , I am not in the mood of talking to her and I don't think I will ever be in the mood to do that.  But right now I need her , I've already meet Zungus extended family and they want to do Right by me but my aunt is not making things easy for . I don't have a choice but to answer her call becouse I need her help .

Me: Hello
Aunty : ya Precious you are still alive ?( I roll my eyes at her questin if I was dead I wouldn't have answered the question  )
Me: No I've just came back from heaven to answer your phone call I will be going back as soon as you hung up
Aunty : Since you went to Johannesburg you talk.back to elders ( I kept quiet) I raised you and your sister but right now when we are suffering you don't even think of us you know what you kids are going to hell and I will gladly accompany you there . This lobola thing that you want so bad won't happen without me , I don't know how you are going to get married without my blessings my brother left you all to me so that I can take care of you and your sister . You need my blessing in order to get married or do anything in your life and I say you won't get married or ever live happily in your life .

I didn't like what she was saying , I just kept quit and let her say her peace so that I could hang up on the phone call becouse If I could hang up now it will be another story for another day .

Aunty: I have never met loose kids like you ever in my life , you leave our house and go live with a man thinking that he will support till death . He will find educated people in his life and leave your failing ass alone , how many times have you failed at school . You saw my daughter she got married and than moved out of the house wena you still want to sleep around and get HIV and fatherless babies that's when you are going to say that you want to settle down when you body...

The call ended and I finally breathed out I don't know what happened or maybe she hunged up.  The other students started walking in , I put a smile on my face as my desk mate sat next to me .



Today I was called on a job interview but they immediately shut me down when they found out that I was pregnant,  saying that I will be taking a maternity leave soon . I am only crying about the money of transport that I used to come here , the money I borrowed it from my neighbor I'm just glad she is not the type of person who would attack me becouse of her money.  When I got to the taxi rank there was no taxi to where i was going they said that they are only available from 3pm . Thankfully there was a place to sit while waiting for the taxi , the only problem would be hunger but I will have to be strong .

" You do know that you where not meant to suffer like this  . " I looked up to a man wearing a suit also holding a briefcase,  I was the only one who was sitted here . More than 10 people have came and went  , he sat down next to me he looked like a decent person From his haircut to his formal shoes , but than I still couldn't put together what he was talking about .

" They say that the child who is innocent may suffer becouse of the Mathers sins " I kept quit while still looking at him

" I'm sure you are not waiting for a taxi like me?" I say as I feel the staring contest getting tense

" why are you saying that , is it becouse of how I am dressed ?" I nod my head and he chuckles a little

" Don't judge a book by its cover , you have a bright future the only thing that you should do is forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness to the people you wronged even if they don't forgive you atleast you know that you did ask for forgiveness it will be on them who would be still holding grudges hope you have a good day , just know that when the time is right everything will just fall in to place no one is ever destined for bad things in life ." With that he stood up and left , I sat there looking down  while his footsteps faded . I stood up and looked for him about to ask what did he mean but there was no one insight was I talking to a ghost? Because this man disappeared out of nowhere,  this rank is an open field if I may say , I would still see him if he was real .

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