Chapter 7

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"What did you just say?" Uncle, Erica, and Dr. Roberts said at the exact same time.

Luke quickly slapped his hand over Gabe's mouth while Silas grabbed North's arm and Corey stepped in front of Raven.

"He drugged and raped me," she whispered.

"That's why you ran," Uncle sighed as everything started to fall into place.

"It's not rape when you loved it," he sneered, "you were begging for more."

"I was begging for you to stop!" She screamed holding her hands over her son's ears. "It's not my fault I couldn't move to make you stop! Whatever you gave me in that red cup trapped me inside of my body! I couldn't move, I swear Ankh, I didn't!"

"I know, Isis," Uncle nodded. "That explains why you were scared to tell me he was the father. I told you he was bad news, but I never thought he would go that far. That's why you said it was just a drunk one-night stand with him."

"Aren't you glad you listened to me about going to the hospital the next morning to get tested?" Erica smirked crossing her arms over her chest. "I can prove he is the father, and it was not consensual. I did every single test and stored everything."

"That's why you keep showing up," Dr. Roberts said shaking his head. "When you get scared the truth will come out you try and take him from her so the truth will never come out. Well," he tsked and smirked so darkly the Blackbourne Toma team forced themselves not to flinch. "Mr. Blackbourne will draw up the paperwork and you WILL be terminating your rights immediately and NEVER come near my goddaughter and my godson EVER again. If I hear that you show up, speak of them, anything involving them, I will speak to EVERY single judge that I know and give them your DNA as well as the tests from Isis and the footage of you being here. Am I understood?" Robert rushed out of the room, nearly tripping over his feet. Dr. Roberts turned to Erica and Uncle, "Do it anyway. I have a feeling there are other cases tied to him and I won't stand for it." He walked over to Isis and kissed her forehead, "I am so sorry you had to carry all that for so long, Little One. I swear you won't have to anymore; I will make sure he will pay for this."

"Thank you, Papa," She whispered, "I know Puppy came from a—"

"That boy is your miracle and that is all that is important," he shook his head. "He is your reason for living and it doesn't matter how your goddess blessed you with him. You have a true miracle, and we know that and that is all that matters, yeah?"

She sniffled and nodded, "Yeah."

He patted her shoulder and smirked, "Now, I have some very important calls to make, and I can see that you are getting tired but are fighting it. How can I help you relax, Wild One?"

"You can't," she shook her head, "too wound up now, if I sleep now, nightmares."

"Want me to give you something that will knock you out?"

"As much as I would love some I can't," she shook her head, "I'll be just fine, it'll just take some time."

"Scoot over, Little One," Uncle said tapping her knee. She scooted over and Uncle sat beside her then wrapped his arm around her. "Relax, I have you two."

"Pudet nunc mihi (I am so embarrassed now)" She whispered as she leaned against him while Osiris colored in the coloring book Erica gave him while listening to whatever was playing on her phone.

"Quare? (Why?)" Uncle asked as he rubbed his thumb up and down on her arm in a soothing way.

"Nepotibus tuis (your nephews)" she trailed off.

"Scio enim quod admirari putant te (I know for a fact that they think you are amazing)" he chuckled as he looked over at them over her head. He knew it was bugging the hell out of them that they couldn't understand what he was saying, and he was loving it. "Sed si adiuvat, incommodi quaedam de illis dicere possum (But if it helps, I can tell you some embarrassing things about them)." She nodded and he chuckled then waved his hand in front of the group before talking again.

The group looked at him suspiciously then rolled their eyes when she giggled. "We seriously need a translator right now," North grumbled as he glared at Uncle who was pointing at him and Luke. She burst out laughing and he shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Ben," Erica whispered about ten minutes later. Uncle looked up at her, "They are asleep."

"I'm not leaving her right now, Erica," Uncle shook his head. "I can't."

"I know," she smiled, "I'm having an extra bed brought in and some extra blankets." He smiled gratefully at her. "I'll be back in a bit then I have some rounds to do but I'll keep checking in. I know she doesn't want it but if I need to, I will give her something to help her."

He nodded, "I know but hopefully it won't come to that now that she's back home."

She turned to the group, "Go home Boys and get some sleep."

"No Momma," Kota shook his head. "We're staying."

"Go home," Uncle demanded softly so he wouldn't wake them. "You will scare her if she wakes up and doesn't remember coming home. Do you want to scare her?"

North glared but pushed off the wall, "I hate you."

Uncle smirked, "Call before you bring lunch so I can tell you what her favorite thing is from wherever you decide to order from since you don't know her favorite foods."

North clenched his jaw, "Yet."

Uncle chuckled, "Good night, Boys."

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