Chapter 15

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Isis winced as she woke up, her whole body was tight. Her eyeballs felt like sandpaper and her bones felt like cement. "Fuck," she breathed as she forced her body to sit up. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to breathe, it felt like an elephant on her chest.

Pushing herself off the bed, she bit her bottom lip to not cry as she forced herself to the door. Sighing in frustration at how much energy that took for just a few steps, she twisted the knob and hit 1 on her phone as she pushed to the steps.

"Hey Jackal," Uncle's voice came through the speaker since she put it on speakerphone. "We are still at the aquarium."

"Good," she gasped as she took a step down.

"What's wrong?" He instantly asked.

"Flare," she gasped, "up. No." She continued to gasp as she took the steps down. "Energy."

"Then get your ass back in bed," Uncle demanded. "I have Puppy for the rest of the day, it's fine. Go back to bed right now."

She groaned when she looked up at the staircase. "Can't."

"Then can you make it to the couch?"

She sighed but nodded, "yeah."

"Go sit on the couch and do not move," Uncle demanded. "Just rest and once I get back with Puppy I will get your gummies and oil for you. Do you want me to call Sean and have him come give it to you now?"

"No," she sighed as she leaned against the doorframe that led into the living room. "Fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Hey, did you have a nice nap?" Luke asked as he entered the house. He frowned when he saw her leaning against the doorframe. "What are you doing, Cupcake?"

"Luke, is Sean with you?" Uncle asked through the phone in her hand.

"Yeah, all of us are here," Luke said while gently taking the phone from her.

"Sean," Uncle said sternly. "Hold on Puppy, give me just a minute then we will go touch the starfish."

"Yes Sir," Sean said, coming over to Luke and Isis. He took in her paler skin, ragged breathing, and suken eyes. It didn't look like she had slept at all but they knew she had slept around two hours from them constantly checking on her.

"Go to my room and get Jackal's CBD. Give her one gummy and put 5 drops under her tongue," Uncle said. "Make sure you lock my door back when you are done."

"Yes Sir," Sean said as he headed up the stairs.

"Do I need to have Gabriel set you up a room downstairs, Jackal?" Uncle asked. "He can do it if you need him to, plus it will give him something to do besides draw in that sketchbook of his."

"Yes," Gabe beamed.

"No," she gasped, "I fine," she inhaled then slowly let it out, "just need rest."

"Gabriel Coleman, go ahead and set one up incase she changes her mind later," Uncle chuckled knowing that she was glaring at the phone in Luke's hand. "Use Victor or Owen's card and I'll pay them back but do NOT go overboard."

"Fuck yeah," Gabe beamed as Victor held out his card. "Thank you."

"Are you on the couch yet, Jackal?"

She stuck her tongue out at the phone, "I plead the fifth."

"Can I?" North asked.

"No," she said through clenched teeth as she pushed off the frame and took a step into the living room.

"Can I please?" North pushed.

"I can walk," she said with determination. "It's only a few steps."

"Please," North said as he stood beside her.

"I said I got it," she glared at him. "I'm fine."

North clenched his fist as his jaw tensed while he slowly inhaled then exhaled, unclenching his fist. Silas forced himself not to chuckle as he watched their interaction. "Can I get you a soft blanket, Isis?" he asked, "some water or something?"

"There are super soft blankets in her closet," Uncle said. "Jackal, let them help get you as comfortable as you can get and I have Puppy for the rest of the day. Tell Doc that if the gummy and oil don't work then she can have another dose in an hour."

"Got it," multiple men said right before he ended the call.

Isis collapsed on the couch and closed her eyes in exhaustion.

"Here we go, Baby," North murmured as he lifted her feet as gently as he could so she was laying down on the couch. He crouched down in front of her, "Is that better?"

"Ja," she sighed.

"Geh wieder schlafen, Babygirl, (Go back to sleep, Babygirl,)" he murmured as he took the blanket from Silas and draped it over her.

"Here," Sean said as he came over to them. "Open your mouth, Isis," he said in a professional tone. She opened her mouth and he placed the drops under her tongue then dropped a gummy in her mouth. Sean watched as she chewed it then swallowed before he went to put the jars back in Uncle's room.

"Just close those pretty brown eyes and rest," North whispered as Victor sat in front of the piano and started playing a soft melody.

"Can't," she pouted as Silas lifted her head to exchange the pillow for a soft furry one. She hummed at the warmth of Silas' hands holding her head.

"Can I hold you, Angelos Mou?" Silas asked. "Do you think that will help?"

"Let's try," North nodded as he gently scooped her up. Silas laid on the couch and put the furry pillow on his chest. North laid her back down then covered her up with the blanket. Silas wrapped one armr around her but made sure not to lay all the weight on her and used his other hand to stroke her hair. "Silas is a great cuddler. How does that feel, Babygirl?"

She let out a soft hum as she waited for the CBD to kick in and reduce her pain. She wouldn't admit it to them but this definitely felt better than just laying in bed.

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