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"You forgot to take out the trash yesterday." My fathers deep voice spoke form the couch, nearly causing my heart to leap out of my chest as I quickly turned away from the door.

"Oh, shit I- I'm sorry." I stuttered not expecting him to still be here.

"It's fine, and you get that from me, you know- the cursing." he chuckled before biting into the deep red apple that was enveloped by his palm as he laid down on the brown bedraggled leather sofa.

"Thanks a lot dad, this mouth of mine has gotten me in trouble a lot at school."

"You're welcome." he snickered.

"Don't you have to be at work?"

"Well... I feel dead inside, my sleeping schedule is fucked in the ass, and I'm obviously not wearing my no, I don't have to be at work, at least not for a few more hours." he smiled.

Why are we the same person?

"Okay well, I have to go to school, don't have too much fun." I waved placing my hand on the rusted silver door nob.

"Hey, wait."

"Yes, dad." I sighed turning back to him.

"I appreciate you, Jasmine, you know that right?"

That's certainly not what I was expecting him to say.

"...I appreciate you too, dad." I told him awkwardly, not particularly used to him giving me random compliments.

"Have a nice day," he burped starring at the blank television.

He's probably drunk.

"Yeah, you too," I muttered before turning the door nob and opening the door to walk out.

As soon as the lunch bell rang I made sure that I was the first person out the door so I could get through the lunch line quickly.

After paying for my overcooked chicken nuggets and peas, I sat over at my usual table by myself not really wanting to sit near Kaitlyn.

Sitting around the popular groups during lunch is not as fun as everyone thinks; most of them act exactly the same and they aren't interesting at all.

It's kind of disappointing, but who cares honestly.

I looked up from my lunch tray and spotted Harry and Jake walking in my direction, so I offered a friendly smile, and only received one back.

"I see how it is, Styles." I could sense his annoyance at the lack of using his first name.

"Were you actually expecting me to smile back?" I rolled my eyes at his question as they both sat down in front of me.

"Not really, but you sure do like surprising me." I was referring to the little trip I was dragged into yesterday and I could tell that he noticed by the expression on his face.

"That sounded very sexual."

"Everything sounds sexual to guys."

"Touché." he smirked.

"We're still on for Sunday, right?" I shook my head with a chuckle as I flicked a pea at him.

"Of course." he nodded as he flicked peas back at me.

"Woah, is there something going on between you two or am I going crazy?" I could hear the evident uneasiness in Jake's voice as he let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty serious."
Harry immediately spoke, not giving me a chance to say anything as he looked directly at him.

There was a quick moment of silence between them, so I pretended to be interested in my food.

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