The First Task. Jake's Struggles 2

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Jake rapidly cast bombarda after bombarda at the Horntail. Shockingly, even with its house sized body, the beast was doing its best to dodge all of his spells! Frustrating Jake immensely. Only about one in five of every blasting curse he fired actually connected to the beast, and even then, none of them landed on any fatal areas. Jake could also feel his vast magic pool draining at a surprising rate! This was the first time he'd ever truly pushed himself magically in his whole life!

The Horntail was growing incredibly frustrated at the tiny red-haired human who was actually managing to hurt it! Whenever it tried to make any moves closer towards Jake to try and bite him, smash him with its powerful tail, or swipe its sharp claws at him; the spells became much harder to dodge up close! They would hit the dragon a lot more frequently, hurting the beast a lot! Despite its massive size, the Horntail still had the small brain of an animal and therefore it equated being in close range to Jake's rapid casting as equaling more pain. So, it had to keep its distance, and the only way it could fight back was by firing flames at Jake whenever he had to take a breather from firing too many spells so rapidly.

Up in the stands, among the cheering crowd of humans, Grok the goblin was watching the magical slugfest while nervously biting his long fingernails. "When the hell was that bloody potion supposed to kick in?" he muttered to himself in annoyance. Grok had bribed the dragon handlers over 1000 galleons in order for them to give his potion to the dragon right before it entered the arena. The potion was supposed to be instant with humans or goblins, but due to the dragon's size, it was clearly taking a lot longer to kick in than Grok was comfortable with. His life was on the line here!

Finally, Jake, who was on the verge of exhaustion from constant spellcasting, managed to successfully land a Bombarda right on one of the dragon's wings. It shredded a decent chunk of its leather-like flaps and caused it to shriek in rage and pain!

However, at that moment, something strange started occurring with the Horntail. It started to transform! Its brown scales, covered in blood from constant blasts, suddenly turned jet black. Its black eyes became an ominous, glowing dark red. What's more, Jake, who had felt he was on the verge of a hard-won victory before, suddenly felt a renewed sense of incredible danger! Unbenounced to Jake, devils were tenacious beings would had fought against the forces of Heaven itself for thousands of years! Their instincts were honed to perfection and most younger devils were always taught to listen to them!

"What the hell!? Did that damn dragon just evolve like a freaking Pokémon?" Jake asked himself as he was panting from near magical exhaustion. The crowd, witnessing the most epic battle of the tournament yet, was also confused as to what was going on with the Horntail. Can dragons transform? Was that even a thing?... Apparently, it was because it was happening right in front of them!

Grok finally felt his nervousness slip away as he smiled with a nefarious vindication. The boy was sure to die now, and Grok's job and life would be secure!

Jake fired another Bombarda that connected with the now jet-black Horntail's scales. However, instead of blowing a chunk of them off with his powerful blasts like before, this time nothing happened! His spell did absolutely no damage to the now black dragon! Everyone watching in the stands was also shocked at that.

Jake immediately felt a sense of panic wash over him as the dragon seemed to come to a realization that his spells were no longer effective against it! Faster than Jake thought possible, the dragon charged right at him, smashing any rocks or boulders in its path as it lunged for him, jaws hanging wide open, trying to bite his head off! Right before it reached him, Jake dove out of the way and fired another Bombarda point-blank right at the dragon's face! The spell connected, and as dust kicked up , his own blast's shockwave sent Jake flying back over ten feet.

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