Chapter Twenty-One

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There were no words to describe how heavenly it felt to wake up to the smell of freshly brewing coffee. Emma wasn't exactly unused to the experience, as she had bought a coffee maker specifically for its function to brew coffee every day at seven in the morning, but it had broken last year and she hadn't bothered to get a new machine. So naturally, waking to the smell of delicious roasted coffee beans felt a little surreal, as if she had dreamed the last year up in her head.

It didn't take her too long to remember where she was, cosily nestled in Dren's bed as the coffee wafted into the room through a crack in the door. Emma followed the smell of it, winding up in the kitchen watching a shirtless Dren pour himself a fresh cup of joe. He smirked at her, holding a full pot of black liquid ambrosia. There were no words needed between the two of them as he poured another cup using the second mug that he already had placed on the table.

"Since when do you like coffee?" Emma muttered, grabbing the mug handle and taking a sip. The smile on Dren's lips felt secretive and he didn't answer, simply taking a long gulp of his own mug. Emma raised a brow at him but let it go, too enraptured with the most delicious cup of coffee she had ever tasted. It felt like she was forgetting something, but her morning brain was too foggy to concentrate on remembering what it was.

The coffee was burning hot but Emma couldn't stop drinking it, her tongue on fire as she continually sipped at it. Little by little, the fog cleared the more she drank until finally Emma realised that the coffee was no longer burning hot, it was simply her body that had heated up to a dizzying degree.

"I've got you," Dren murmured into her ear, his mug of coffee already placed in the sink as he stood over her, his hand disappearing between her legs and causing Emma to moan as she realised how wet she already was. His fingers felt divine as they thrust into her and Emma shakily placed her mug of coffee down, spilling a little as she did so. Dren moved it away before placing his hand on her back and pushing her chest onto the table, her ass thrust into the air.

The heat had long sent her into a haze, her mind blank and pliable as Dren manoeuvred her exactly how he wanted, his fingers never stopping their motion in and out of her pussy. He leaned over her, his voice in her ear, husky and sending arousal spiking all over her body. "I actually don't like coffee," he said mirthfully, curling his fingers inside of her. "I only drink it because I want to feel closer to you." Emma's breaths shortened as his fingers sped up. Her legs were quivering under her as she tried desperately to buck into his hand, only to be stopped by his arm wrapping around her hips, limiting her movement.

"I wanted to taste what you were drinking every morning," he murmured, pressing his face into her neck. "I imagined making you coffee every morning of your life." His fingers left suddenly, making her whimper at the loss. Dren stood, watching her swollen pussy beg for more of his attention. "I missed the last ten years of mornings," he said, his eyes sharpening, "I'm not going to miss any more."

"Dren," Emma whined, her brain only half-comprehending the things he was saying. The heat was clouding most of her reasoning, the only thought on her mind that of being fucked by her mate. One of her slender hands snaked down to her crotch, attempting to finger herself to fill the void that Dren had left. "I'm so empty," she sniffled, despite sinking three of her own fingers inside of herself.

His lips kissed her temple, murmuring, "I know Em, just wait like a good omega," before leaving her and disappearing into his room. Emma whimpered but did as she was told, waiting as Dren came back and trying to comfort herself with her fingers. Luckily, it didn't take him long to find what he was looking for.

"I'm gonna help you break this heat," he said, his hands smoothing over her ass and hips, "and then we're going to talk about mating for real."

She definitely didn't have the ability to ask him what 'mating for real' meant right now, but he didn't even give her the time to ask when he shooed her hand away and then she felt something cold, wet and rubbery push up against her. Her gasp of horror was immediate, everything in her body trying to reject the foreign object.

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