The Denial

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Hellos to everyone,

I am back with part 2 of the story. This is considerably smaller than the last part. But I feel like, it was gonna happen anyways. The way I have set my goal for each part, the parts will get smaller and smaller, I realized while writing this chapter. I wanted to add Senapati in this chapter but I couldn't find a way to add him, so the next chapter is it.

After seeing the spoiler videos yesterday, I wanted to change one whole damn scene but then I went like no girl, It took you hours to write.

As always ignore the Grammatical errors.



A few days later, Anusuya stands near the window, her silhouette framed by the soft glow of the moon. She leans against the balcony railing, lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the starlit sky. The weight of the recent days weighs heavily on her as she ponders Tara's unresponsive state.

'Tara, what has become of you? You've been so numb, so distant these past few days. It's as if the light within you has faded away. Tara... how can I reach her? It's as if she's locked herself away from the world." Anusuya whispered to herself. Anusuya gazes out into the night sky, the twinkling stars mirroring the pain in her eyes. She recalls the countless attempts she and Mahaveer have made to break through Tara's walls, to help her find solace in her grief.

Suddenly, a piercing scream shatters the stillness of the room. Anusuya's heart lurches, recognizing Tara's voice filled with anguish and fear. Without hesitation, she rushes towards the door, her concern eclipsing all else. "Dhruv! Dhruv, where are you?" Tara screamed. The sound of Tara's cries pierces through the quiet stillness of the room.

Anusuya bursts into the room to find Tara sitting up in bed, her body trembling with fear. Tears stream down Tara's face, and her hands grip the bedsheets tightly. Anusuya rushes to Tara's side, taking her trembling hands in her own, trying to calm her. "Tara, it's okay. You're safe. It was just a nightmare." Anusuya said softly. Tara's breath comes in ragged gasps as she clings to Anusuya, seeking solace in her embrace.

"I... I saw him, Anu. I saw Dhruv, but he was slipping away. I couldn't reach him." Tara said her eyes filled with tears. Anusuya's eyes fill with compassion, understanding the depth of Tara's pain. She holds Tara closer, gently rocking her back and forth.

"I know, Tara. I know how much you miss him. It hurts, I know it does. But you have to remember that he's no longer with us." Anusuya said whispering to Tara. Tara shakes her head, her voice choked with grief.

"No, he can't be gone. I can't bear it."  Tara says barely audible. Anusuya wipes away Tara's tears, her own eyes glistening with unshed emotions.

"I wish I could take away your pain, Tara, but I can't. I know you miss him. But you have to face the truth, even if it's difficult." Anusuya said softly. Tara clings to Anusuya, her sobs shaking her body.

"I don't know how to go on without him, Anu. It's unbearable." Tara said her voice breaking as she speaks. Anusuya holds Tara tighter, her voice filled with unwavering support.

"We'll find a way, Tara. Together. I'll help you through this pain, one step at a time. You're not alone in this." Anusuya says sincerely. Tara's cries begin to subside, replaced by a deep sadness that settles over her. Anusuya remains by her side, providing a steady presence as Tara begins to come to terms with her loss.


Mahaveer sits on the edge of the bed, his face etched with guilt and remorse. Anusuya, concerned, sits beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

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