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Hellos to everyone,

I am back with the epilogue, The ending scene is something I wasn't planning on writing but I did it anyways because we will not get a Dhruv and Sukku scene in the show anytime soon. 

As always ignore the grammatical errors.



The atmosphere in the royal courtroom was tense as Maharaj sat on his throne, flanked by his advisors. Senapati Samrat Singh stood before them, stripped of his title, his face stoic despite the gravity of the situation. Tara sat among the spectators, her eyes burning with hatred as she gazed at Samrat Singh.

Maharaj addressed the assembly, "Two days ago, Senapati Samrat Singh was stripped of his title due to the severity of his actions, and today we shall decide his punishment. His betrayal of the kingdom and its people demands justice."

Suddenly, the doors of the courtroom swung open, and Rajvdiya entered, breathing heavily. The guards move forward to take him into custody, and everyone looks up, surprised by his presence. Mahaveer is taken aback because he had specifically instructed Rajvdiya not to leave the restricted area.

Maharaj eyes Rajvdiya with distrust, knowing that he Helped Senapati Samrat Singh. He addresses Rajvdiya, "Rajvdiya ji, your punishment will be decided after Senapati Singh's punishment."

However, before the sentence is passed, Mahaveer interjects respectfully but firmly, "Pitashree, before you decide Rajvdiya ji's punishment, listen to me for once." Maharaj seems to ponder the words of Mahaveer. Maharaj eyes Rajvdiya with distrust before turning his attention back to Senapati Samrat Singh.

Tara sat among the audience, her eyes locked on Senapati with an intensity of hatred that was palpable. Her heart still carried the wounds caused by his treachery, and she yearned for justice to be served.

Mahaveer, seated beside Tara, couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing that a part of her wanted to witness Senapati suffer for the pain he had caused her and their family.

"As Senapati, he held a position of great trust and responsibility," Maharaj continued. "But instead of upholding that trust, he abused his power and attempted to harm my son, the Yuvraj, for his own selfish ambitions."

The audience listened in hushed silence, aware of the gravity of the situation and the impact of Senapati's actions on the kingdom.

"For these grave crimes, I have consulted with the council and the Rajvidya," Maharaj declared. "And it has been decided that Senapati Samrat Singh shall face a punishment that matches the severity of his deeds."

Tara's heart pounded with anticipation, waiting to hear what fate awaited the man who had caused so much suffering.

"Senapati Samrat Singh," Maharaj pronounced with authority, "you shall be stripped of all your wealth, lands, and properties. You shall be banished from the kingdom, never to set foot within these borders again."

A murmur of agreement and satisfaction rippled through the crowd. Justice was being served, and the people felt a sense of relief that the traitor would be removed from their midst.

Senapati stood before Maharaj, his face filled with anger and frustration at the consequences of his actions. He was no longer the respected Senapati, but a man branded with the stain of betrayal. Tara's eyes never left Senapati as he received his punishment.

Tara sits in the courtroom with disinterest she is just there to listen to Senapati's punishment, until suddenly her heart starts racing. She senses Dhruv's presence near her. Despite knowing that Dhruv is dead, her heart refuses to calm down. Mahaveer notices Tara's reaction and asks with concern, "Taru? Are you okay?"

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