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Jane Doe's pov:
The singing begins. Ocean was mean but more too everyone else than me. And after my song for some reason it was decided that it was my birthday.
Choir: Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear...
Constance: hmm-hmm
I look down. I know that everyone is pitying me. But I don't want them to sing about me in the name Jane Doe. It's not me. It's a sad name that no one deserves to have. Or maybe I do, I don't know. But I don't know how the afterlife will be without a name.

Ocean: that song is so over played.

I beam. She is helping me. Not pitying me or just standing around. She takes action to help me.

Ocean: one two three... one two three... one two three, four. This is the new song we sing for birthdays. Bouncy and merry and not quite as scary the new birthday song.

Everyone joins in. I can't take my eyes off of Ocean. Until now I haven't noticed how beautiful she is, or was.

After another song it's time to choose. But Karank revels that Ocean will pick. She chooses, me! I cant believe it.
Karank: her name is Penny Lamb
As I leave i whisper in her ear...

Oceans pov:
Penny: run out. Tell the choir.
Quickly I tell them, don't ask questions. Just run out.
The gates open. We all run out. Karank short circuits. But by some miracle, we all make it out.

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