(Luffy x Alexi/Lex) Not so childish

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My thin legs hang over the edge of the Thousand Sunny as I flip through the pages of my favorite book. The only sounds I hear are Zoro's small snores, the sea hitting against the ship, and the sails flapping in the wind. I hear a muffled hum as Zoro moves his head to the side, letting it rest on the banister beside me. 

It's peaceful and calming sitting out here in the afternoon; When the sun sits high in the sky, shining its beams of light onto my- BOOM -

"Eeeek!" A small squeak comes out of my mouth as the whole ship shakes making me loose balance and fall down towards the salty water beneath me. 

Shoot, Robins book. I can't let it fall in; If I do, she's gonna kill me! I clutch onto robin's book close to my chest and screw my eyes shut waiting for the impact of the water, but... it never comes. I just stay in the same spot, hovering over the deep blue ocean.

 A pair of hands hold onto my waist, making sure I don't fall. My eyes fall upon my smiley captain; Monkey D Luffy. Just then I feel his stretchy arms move making me curl up into a ball, thinking I would fall but instead Luffy pulls me up and places me on my feet, back on the Thousand Sunny's wooden deck. 

A few moments go past in silence.

"Thank you so much Luffy! I was sure I was going to fall in." My soft voice says, finally coming out to thank my Captain.

"No problem! You're really light by the way!" Luffy says with a big smile.

"Oh, thank you." A small smile sits on my face.

"And your squeak is cute!" His smile never faulting as he says that making my face heat up.

He called my scream cute! My hands shoot up to my face, covering my cherry-red cheeks. I hear Luffy's loud laugh Infront of me making me embarrassed. 

"Thank you again Luffy!" I say before turning around with my hands still glued to my face. My feet try to carry me away but a certain someone's lazy legs get in the way making me fall face first onto the hard deck. 

"Jeez, you're really clumsy Lex!" Luffy's laughs fill me ears as I somehow turn even more red. My sore body shoots up.

"Sorry Zoro!" I bow to Zoro with my hands still on my face.

"Sorry Captain Luffy!" I turn and bow to him before speeding off to my cabin with Robins book in my hand.

It's been about an hour since that mess happened, I still feel like a complete clown, but I brush it off. It seems I fell on my knees when I tripped on Zoro, they are all skinned, bloody and bruised.

I should go to Chopper... I open my cabin door and walk to Choppers Doctor room. on my way to dr. Choppers room, I see Luffy sitting on the grass portion of the ship with his legs crossed looking at the colorful sunset. 

He looks so cute! I stop in my tracks and admire Luffy. His sharp jawline, his toned body, his muscley arms and his handsome face make him hard to ignore on an evening like this. I quickly snap out of my daydream and walk into Choppers room.

A couple minutes have gone by and I'm feeling much better, chopper has given me some mild pain meds for my knees and a nasty scrape on my arm that I never noticed. As I exit his office Chopper follows and talks to me.

"Hey, we should go and sit on the grass!" His squeaky little voice is hard to say no to...

"Ok, Dr. Chopper" I smile at him softly.

"Ohstopityoudonthavetoflattermelikethatstupid!" The little reindeer speaks so fast I can barely understand what just came out of his mouth.

Me and Chopper finally get to the grass area.

"I bet I can beat you in a race!" I turn around to face Chopper to answer his bold claim, my legs still stepping backwards onto the soft grass patch.

"Yeah, sure..." Just as I'm about to turn around, something hard hits the back of my shoe, making me plonk down onto something or someone... 

"Eee" a short squeak comes from my mouth as I feel two hands wrap around my torso and stop on my stomach. I try to stand up, but the arms wrapped around me tighten making it even harder to stand. I look around for Chopper only to find the small reindeer has taken off. As I look around, I see a tuft of Black hair and a yellow straw hat over my shoulder giving me a solid clue to who my captor is.

"Luffy, what are yo-" Before I continue my sentence, I feel his face snuggle into my neck making me shiver.

"Luffy? Ca-" He cuts my sentence off again by placing a kiss on the side of my neck. My face flushes into a red hue at the action making me bring my hands up to my face to hide it. I do one last attempt at standing before giving up and accepting my fate.

"Luffy... why?" I ask a simple and short question before he can cut me off again.

"Because... I've been wanting you for a while..." My eyes widen.

"Really?" My voice comes out as a small whisper.

"Yeah... do you... feel the same?" His question hits my heart, how his voice seemed so hopeful makes me wanna cry with joy.

"...Yes, I have." I smile and wiggle a little bit making his arms loosen up, so I have space to spin around. I turn my whole body so that I'm facing Luffy, with my legs siting on either side of his, so I'm basically straddling his lap. 

I look into his dark brown orbs, my eyes filled with love and his spilling with lust. Just then, with a quick movement, me and Luffy's lips meet in a sensual dance. Starting off slow and steady but as more time goes on, it becomes lustful and hungry. It feels like I haven't eaten and Luffy's lips are the first food I've had in years.

"hmm" he hums into the kiss as one of my hands reaches up and rest on the back of his neck while the other sits on his chest. I feel his tongue poke my lips asking for permission to enter so I slightly open my mouth and let Luffy's tongue explore. 

As the kiss goes on, oxygen starts to run low in my lungs making me reluctantly pull back and take a couple of breaths. Luffy has a big smile on his face as he too breathes.

"He, we have about an hour before tea's ready..." Luffy jerks his head softly towards his cabin, hinting where he wants to go.

"Sanji's running late huh?" I question as I rest my forehead on his while my hands wrap around his neck loosely. Luffy doesn't reply, he just closes his eyes and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me deeper into the hug.

We stay like this for about 5 minutes, just enjoying each other's warmth and the comfort of each other's arms. 

"It's getting cold out here" i say, finally breaking the comfy silence.

"Yeah." Luffy agrees before pulling away from the hug making me whine a little at the loss of contact. He chuckles and slides his hands onto my ass making me gasp. 

"L-Luffy, what are you doing!" I ask as My captain stands up while holding me like a tired toddler. I wrap my legs fully around Luffy's waist and squeeze his torso between my thighs so that I don't fall, even though he's got his hands on my ass to hold me up, it felt like I was going to fall to the ground. 

"Let's go to my cabin!" He says as he starts walking towards the captain's cabin.

I wrap my arms securely around Luffy's neck, then I rest my head on his shoulder with my face facing his neck. I give it a small kiss as he pushes the door of his cabin open with his foot before dropping me on his bed making me bounce. The door of the cabin stops halfway open before Luffy shuts it fully, giving us full privacy.

Word count: 1375

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