1- Dear Mom And Dad

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(This is a rather depressing story. You don't have to read it if you don't want to read the sad stuff. Also, trigger warning: suicide mention.)


Dear Mom and Dad,

This is the way the story went. I'll tell you everything. And also tell you why I'm writing this letter to you. This is the story:

"Aw, Kacchan... you said you'd take today off," Izuku whined, tugging on my arm. I sighed. He was like this every morning. But, to be fair, I had said I'd take today off.

"Sorry, Izu. Endeavor wants me for a mission, and I can't exactly say no," I replied, gently removing him from where he clung to my elbow. He pouted, looking up at me with his big, emerald green eyes.

"I never get asked on any cool missions. And you said you'd hang out with me today!" Izuku cried, grabbing my arm again. I hated to see him so upset, but I really had to do this mission. There wasn't any debate over it.

"Look, Izu, your birthday's next week. I'll get your birthday off, I promise," I offered. His eyes lit up a little, and a small smile crossed his face.

"Alright... stay safe on your mission, Kacchan," he said softly, standing up on his tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

We'd been dating since our third year of UA. We were three years into our lives as pro heroes, and living together in an apartment in town. I'd been wanting to propose to him for a while now.

I can do it on his birthday next week, I thought happily. After work today, I'll pick up the ring. It'll all be perfect.

I smiled, kissed the top of his head, and left. As I walked down the street, it began to rain a bit. A groan escaped my lips, and I began to sprint towards the meeting place Endeavor had told me. I nearly slipped in a puddle, but managed to regain my balance as I entered the small building on the side of town. Endeavor, Red Riot, Chargebolt, Mt. Lady, and Shoto were waiting inside for me.

It was great to see some of my old school friends again- Eijiro, Shoto, Denki- though I did see them often on other missions. I waved a bit, ruffling my hair to dry it out.

"Good, Dynamite, you're here," Endeavor grumbled. "Get over here." I quickly walked over to my companions as Endeavor started to deal out the information.

"The League of Villains's member Dabi's still on the run," Endeavor said gruffly. I could see both him and Shoto exchange a small look of, we have to take him down. "He's operating with Toga and Compress, underground. We found some old weapons under the city. It looks like he's trying to blow it to the ground. We need to get underground- a covert mission- and get rid of those explosives before he sets them off."

"Dabi isn't dumb, either," Shoto added. "So he probably knows we're going to come at some point. Which is exactly why we brought you, Dynamite. You're the strongest hero we've got right now, and we might need someone to hold off Dabi, Toga, and Compress." I frowned a little.

"But... my explosion near a bunch of explosives? Isn't that dangerous?" I asked, looking up at Endeavor. He nodded solemnly.

"We're taking a chance. You'll be keep them back with Red Riot, if things get bad," he said. "And Riot can keep you away from the explosives. If you're getting too close, you stand down. We're not going to mess this up."

It felt like a gamble to me. Especially as another thought hit me- Izuku was in town. If I messed this up at ALL, he'd be caught in that explosion. That stirred me.

"I can't come, I shouldn't. What if I do mess up?it could kill thousands of innocent people," I argued.

"If you don't come, it still could. We have to try. If you don't feel safe using your quirk, just fight with your pure strength. We've gotta go, now, anyway. Come on," Endeavor said, beginning to walk out of the building.

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