7- Out

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(Sorry in advance. Fight scenes aren't really my forte, I tried my best.)


"Hey! Bakubro! You coming to the Bakusquad hangout tonight?" Kirishima asked, leaning on the desk in front of me. I frowned a bit, not really wanting to go.

"He wants to go hangout with his secret boyfriend," Denki teased.

"I do not have a secret boyfriend!" I protested. I really didn't. It was just a joke my friend group had. Ever since I'd come out as gay to my class, they'd teased me that I was dating a boy in secret. I wasn't dating anyone. I didn't have a crush on anyone. Guys were just better.

"Shut up, Denki. If you tease him, he definitely won't come," Mina whined.

"Please, Bakubro? It's not the Bakusquad without our Bakubro!" Kirishima begged. "Denki won't tease you, I promise..." I sighed, about to agree, when I heard a small voice from behind me say something.

"Kacchan?" I turned to see Deku.

"Sorry for bothering you... but, I need to ask- tell you something..." he ducked his head a bit. Denki made the classic middle school oooh sound as I nodded. My relationship with Deku was better than before. I managed to keep my shouting and bullying to a minimum- though sometimes, I just lose my temper. I can't always control it.

"Great, can we do it in private?" He asked softly. He was quieter than usual. I knew something was up. I nodded again, stood up, and pulled him into the hall. He took in a deep breath, looked up at me, and said, "I need help."

"With what?"

"Telling our class something."


"About me."

"What is it?" I snapped, irritated. He flinched.

"Sorry, I wanna tell you, I'm just... nervous. I haven't told anyone else. I-I looked up a bunch of stuff after you came out as gay, and I found a whole bunch of other sexualities and stuff, and I was reading them, and... I think I'm bisexual," he blurted. "I like girls but I also like guys. I know it's weird to tell you, because you're not, like, my best friend or anything, but you're gay, and I thought you'd know how to tell people, and you might understand..." I couldn't help but be a little bit surprised.

"You're bi? That's cool," I said, smiling. "I'll help you come out, of course. I'm guessing you don't wanna come out how I did... just walk up to the front of the class, say, 'I'm gay' then sit back down."

"Not exactly. I was hoping for a better way, like, one that feels easier for me to do," he mumbled. "Not that your way is bad! It just doesn't suit me!"

"Yeah, my way doesn't usually work for other people," I laughed. "So, how were you hoping to some out? To the entire class at once? Or slowly tell different people?"

"I... don't know," he mumbled, looking slightly distressed. "I want to come out, because they don't seem to be mean or homophobic about it to you, and they'll probably accept me, and... I don't know! I just- I don't even know why I'm scared to tell them!"

"Hey, calm down, it's fine," I said, gently squeezing his shoulder. "Don't panic. Everything's confusing, but we can unravel all this gay mess together." I gently nudged him with my hip. He nodded slowly and suddenly hugged me.

"Oh- oh, okay, we're hugging now?" I asked, and he nodded again, his face buried in the side of my neck. "Right. So, I'm really bad at hugs..."

"Just hug me, stupid..." Deku mumbled. I chuckled and hugged him back. He sighed, though it was muffled. Feeling his warmth against me made me blush a bit. I held him close, trying to comfort him. He was clearly worried and nervous.

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