6- Not Him

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There they were.

Kirishima, laughing over something Kacchan said.

Kacchan, blushing slightly while rolling his eyes.

I'm not sure if I even have to say it. I'm pretty sure you know it by now. I hate them. I hate them being together. I love Kacchan, but Kirishima... he keeps getting in the way. Every time I go to see Kacchan, he's there! Hanging out, laughing, talking, trying to charm him... I hate it. I want to make sure Kacchan knows I love him. But how can I tell him? Does he even want me near him? Does he hate me?

I know he loves Kirishima. The way he looks at him. How he smiles when he's around him. Kacchan barely smiles. But he smiles when he's around Kirishima.

I want him to smile around me.

I want that smile.

The smile he saves for Kirishima.

That one, for me.

"Hey, Midoriya." I looked up. Todoroki was standing over the table I was sitting at. I ripped my gaze away from Kirishima and Kacchan, who were now sitting on a couch, Kacchan nearly on Kirishima's lap...

I forced myself to stare at Todoroki, who was looking slightly worried. It was probably from the bitter expression on my face as I watched the two on the couch. I blinked at my half and half friend, who sat down in front of my at the table.

"You looked upset. Or mad. Is everything okay?" He asked in his familiar voice. I shrugged, not really wanting to tell him. I would have to confess the heavy crush.



"Uraraka, Iida, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come to dinner with us tonight. We're going to the new restaurant in town," he said, looking down at me. I rested my chin in my hands and sighed.

"I don't think I can come tonight... sorry," I mumbled. "I'm overbooked already."

"Oh, okay," he replied, a small smile crossing his face. "Have fun with whatever you're doing." I nodded as he stood and left. As I was about to fix my gaze back on Kirishima and Kacchan, I noticed that they were... cuddling? Kacchan was leaning on Kirishima's shoulder, and Kirishima's arm was around his waist. They were watching something on TV- or, Kirishima was. Kacchan was watching him with a smile on his face.

I suppressed a growl of frustration and hid my face in my arms as I laid my head on the table. I hated them. I hated them together. I hated them!

I sat there with my head on the table for about forty minutes- in which neither Kacchan or Kirishima came over to make sure I was okay- before dragging my sorry ass upstairs to get some rest.

I flopped onto my bed, covering my face with a blanket. I wanted to sleep, but part of me was wide awake and boiling with anger. Maybe I had been fine, laying on that table, but what if I hadn't been? Both of them were so caught up in their lovey-dovey whatever to even care! I was nothing to Kacchan...

I'm going to break them up. Destroy their friendship. Make them feel pain like never before. Then, Kacchan'll come running to me for a should to cry on. I'm the only one close enough to him...

"You're crazy, Izuku. You can't do that. You're a hero," I huffed to myself quietly.

Yeah, but you hated seeing them together. And if they were heroes, they'd care about your feelings. And then you wouldn't even be considering hurting their feelings.

"Yeah, but... it's not right. Two wrongs don't make a right."

It's just a bit of revenge. No one's going to physically get hurt...

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