2- I Love You

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"Deku-kun? Are you listening to me?" Uraraka gently nudged me, shaking me out of my thoughts. 

"S-Sorry, Uraraka! I was just... thinking about something!" I blushed, embarrassed. She laughed, smiling at me. "I'm listening now, what were you saying?"

"I was asking you if you wanted to go to the mall later," she giggled. "But we don't have to. Mina just wanted to go get Bakugo-kun's makeup done, and she asked me to ask you to come, because you could probably convince Bakugo to come as well."

"Kacchan? You wanna get Kacchan's makeup done?"

"Yeah. Mina insisted that he wears eyeliner, and she wants to see him in full out makeup. Blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, contour, everything," she giggled. "I do too, honestly."

"Kacchan would never agree to that."

"Agree to what?" A deep voice huffed. I jumped and whipped around. Kacchan was standing over me, staring at me angrily. "Why are you talking about me, ya extras?"

"K-Kacchan! I-we we're just talking about, uh, if you'd come to the mall with us and Mina?" I stuttered, blushing all embarrassed-like. Honestly, every time he was around me I started to blush. Lately, at least. There was just something about him that made me blush. I don't know what.

"And you think I wouldn't agree to that? Is that a challenge, Deku?" He scoffed. "Of course I'm coming, if you think I won't. I don't even give a damn." He turned on his heel and walked away. I glanced at Uraraka, who was watching him go worriedly.

"Why does he walk like that? Is he okay?" She wondered aloud. I laughed. Kacchan did walk funny, all hunched over with his hands shoved in his pockets. He's always walked like that- to me, it was attractive. Once again, I don't know why.

"Well, I'm gonna go tell Mina he said he's coming!" Uraraka jumped up and began to walk away. "See you after, Deku-kun!"

I sighed and settled down into a comfortable position on the couch. My eyes flickered closed, and Kacchan's face flashed into my vision. Except it was some sort of fantasy version of him- he was actually smiling. Definitely a fantasy. I opened my eyes and sighed again. Why couldn't he just be happy?

Okay, yes, at this point, I knew I had a crush on him. I was crushing HARD. I'd do anything to make him smile...

"OKAY, OKAY, WE'RE LEAVING NOW!" Mina sprinted into the common room, scaring the heck out of me. "IF BAKUGO AGREED, WE'RE LEAVING NOW!" She sped by me, and Uraraka followed. She grabbed my arm, pulling me up as we tried to keep up with the energetic pink-haired girl in front of us.

The three of us ran into the kitchen, where Kacchan was making himself a piece of toast. He looked so hot, leaning against the counter while he waited for the toaster.

"Hey, mister! We're leaving for the mall!" Mina snapped, walking over to him. "Get your lazy ass over here!"

"HAAH?! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" He yelled, balling his fists. "ARE YOU LOOKIN' FOR A FIGHT?" Mina giggled  bit and backed away. I had to blush- I mean, I couldn't exactly control it. And the way he yelled, the way his face twisted into that angry expression... it was all so attractive and enticing.

"We're going to the mall, my lovely angry Pomeranian," she replied, smiling. "And you said you'd come. So, you're coming." Kacchan growled in frustration, gesturing largely to the toaster.

"Yes, Bakugo-kun, there's a toaster. Good job," Uraraka said, her famous smile spread across her face. Kacchan glared at her.

"I was making myself toast! You interrupted my toast-making! Get the hell out of here!" He snapped defensively.

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