11- Found You

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(So sorry about the long wait for this. Couldn't get up the motivation until recently, and I hope you enjoy it!)


Tears poured down his face. I could see the grief in his eyes. He clutched his chest. I could practically see his heart breaking. I wanted to reach out and touch his shoulder. I wanted to make him feel better.

My name's Izuku Midoriya, and two days ago, I died.

My boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, is who I'm talking about right now.

I died right in front of his pretty ruby eyes. It was painful thinking that those gorgeous eyes had to witness someone they loved so much leaving them.

It had been bloody. I barely knew what had happened. I'd turned, cheering, 'we won' to Kacchan, when I felt something sharp jab through my midsection. Everything had blurred. Kacchan screamed something, and I felt his arms catch me just before I hit the ground. I heard his voice, but I couldn't make out the words. The world was spinning- and blurry, so, so blurry...

Then everything went black.

Next thing I knew, I'd been standing behind Kacchan. He was bent over my body. I could hear him screaming for me to wake up, begging me to open my eyes. I'd reached out to grab his shoulder. But my hand had gone straight through. I was a ghost. I was always hovering behind him now, making sure he was alright. Clearly, he wasn't right now...

I sat down on his bed next to him, though I knew he couldn't tell I was there. Maybe I couldn't touch him, but that meant I could just kiss him whenever. I hadn't tried yet, but I knew that he would need it right now. Even if he didn't know I was kissing him. I leaned over, resting my hand over his before kissing the top of his spiky head.


I leaned back, looking at him in a confused way. His eyes were large and filled with shock and terror. He was staring straight at me, though he shouldn't have been able to...

"Izuku, it's you. It's actually you?"

"You shouldn't be able to see me," I said softly.

"You were using an invisibility thing this whole time, weren't you?" His expression became furious. "What kind of prank is this?!"

That's when it hit me. He didn't know I was dead. He thought I'd been pranking him.

I can make him so happy if I pretend it was a joke... I can stay with him...

I swallowed tightly. I couldn't lie to him like this. But, behind his angry face, I could see hopefulness.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. It was a stupid prank..." I mumbled before I could even think. I felt a soft vibrating from my wrist, and looked down to see a gold band. It had a small screen that said 48:00 on it.

I'll deal with whatever that means when the time comes...

He reached out towards me. I had a short panic attack, thinking that his hand would go straight through my body, but he actually touched me, gripping my collar as he pulled me into a tight hug. I felt him kissing my head over and over again. His shirt was still soaked from tears, and it hurt to think that I caused that.

"I hate you... but I'm so happy you're alive," he sobbed into my hair. "Why would you ever pull a prank like that on me..."

"I'm sorry Kacchan... I was so stupid to think that joke would be funny..." I mumbled. How was I supposed to make this sound true without sounding so rude and heartless? He leaned back, his crimson eyes flicking over my body before he delivered an extremely rough punch to my face.

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