3- Dream

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I hummed your myself as I whisked around the kitchen, preparing dinner for Kacchan and I. He'd gone out for hero work today. So had I, but I'd gotten back early, so I'd decided to make dinner for the both of us. It wasn't often I had a chance to make him something to eat without him trying to help me. It was my chance to do something nice for him.

I'd decided to make his favourite- spicy ramen. He'd been cooking most nights for me- always my favourite, katsudon. I was determined to make him supper and make it good. Especially since Kacchan was an amazing cook.

By the time I'd finished making dinner, it was seven o'clock. I'd expected him back by five, six at the latest. I frowned.

"I guess I'll just watch TV until he comes..." I mumbled, flopping onto the couch. I turned on the TV and relaxed back. The news channel was on. I was about to flip to a good show, but just before I could hit the 'next channel' button, I heard the word, "Dynamite."

"Oh, Kacchan's on TV?" I cocked my head to the side and began to listen to the news. I had guessed it was about some villain attack he'd been a part of, but it wasn't. Not at all.

"Pro hero Dynamite fought rising villain Dabi earlier today with his companions, pro heroes Red Riot and Pinky. During the battle, Red Riot noted that Dynamite had disappeared. We have Red Riot here on scene," the woman spoke with a solemn look on her face. One of my friends, Kirishima came forward and took the microphone. He looked extremely upset and beat up.

"Dynamite had been fighting Dabi with us, but he just disappeared in the middle of the fight. I hadn't thought much of it at the time. I'd assumed he'd gone behind the villain or behind me, but he never made another appearance in the fight. After the battle, I looked around for him. He was gone. We've been looking for him all day," Kirishima ran a hand through his already-messy red hair. "Authorities have been contacted, as well as several other pro heroes."

I nearly passed out. Kacchan was missing...

"And Red Riot, how are you doing from the villain attack?" The woman asked, asking back the microphone before holding it out for Kirishima to speak into. Kirishima took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

"Dabi managed to escape. Dynamite's missing. Basically, this mission was an entire fail. No one's hurt- I don't think. I don't know where Dynamite is, and honestly, I feel guilty that I didn't stop to make sure he was still there," he muttered.

"I understand you and Dynamite had a thing in high school? Does he still mean a lot to you?"

"That's not the point of this. It's that Dynamite's missing. But, of course he-" I didn't want to hear anymore. I turned off the TV before I could hear anything else about it.

"K-Kacchan's missing?" I whispered, fighting tears.

Kacchan and Kirishima had dated for the first year of UA, but after they'd broken up, Kacchan and I had started dating. We hadn't ever stopped. We'd been living together for the two years we were pro heroes- up until now, basically. I'd never really been worried about Kacchan when he was off doing hero work- he was the strongest person I knew. I hadn't been ready for him to go missing without a trace.

I curled up on the couch, not being able to hold back my tears anymore. They poured down my cheeks and I sobbed quietly, trying to muffle it in the pillows of the couch.

I cried until I couldn't stay awake anymore. I drifted off to sleep, the cold ramen still on the table.


I woke up to knocking on my apartment's door. I was too tired to remember everything that had been on TV. Naturally, I just assumed it was Kacchan.

"The door's unlocked, Kacchan. It always is. And you have a key anyway!" I called, laughing a bit. Why was he being so clueless?

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