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It was night. Stars didn't exist in that dark sky that surrounded the city. There was just the noise of cars and smelly steam gushing out of the alleys. Two shady figures were on the corner of the street having a very tense private conversation.

"I think this could be mutually beneficiary... you do this and I let it all disappear." His voice was eager and demanding.

After a while, someone answered back at him."Fine... agreed" his voice gruff, short laced with irritation.

"Amazing, I'll send you all the information, date, time, and the place so you can set everything up" This time the absolute joy in his voice couldn't be disguised.

"Fine! Just be sure to keep your end of this deal," the enormous shadow growled and they parted ways.


"Good Morning Dear," Mellissa said, tugging on the dark curtains in her daughter's room.

"What's so good about it?" Hanna whispered grumpily into her pillow.

"What was that dear?" Hanna's Mother said ignoring the sound of defeat in her daughter's voice.

Looking up at her Mother's face, Hanna instantaneously felt bad for her mean answer. She could see real excitement in her Mother's eyes. Hanna's mother was a beautiful woman with light blond hair, fair pale skin, and sparkling blue eyes. And despite her age, she still had a figure even Hanna would kill for. She has always admired her mother, not just for her beauty but for the way she always had a positive outlook on everything. No matter how bad the situation might be.

Fighting the tears back she hesitantly got out of bed. Hanna's parents were happy for her, happy about her freedom and future being taken away. Why were they so eager to rid themselves of her? Was she a bad daughter? Did she do anything to displease them? No! The answer to all the questions was no! She was the dutiful, loving daughter who never complained, always eager to help in any way she could! SO WHY!! Why was this happening to her?

"Now that's a good girl. There are lots of things to get done and so little time for us to do them" Mellissa said, taking both of Hanna's hands in hers. Then she smiled and said, "This, my girl, will be the most important and happiest day in your entire life. Trust me."

Hanna smiled and gave her Mother a quick hug. However, she was scared that her mother would see how terrified she felt about today because she needed her Mother's happiness now, she needed to breathe in her Mother's joy, she hoped that it would rub off on her, contaminate her with brightness and sunlight.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Happy Birthday, Honey," Mellissa said as she kissed her daughter effusively.

There were more kisses and cuddles and happiness from Hanna's Mother about how she was all grown up and the prettiest girl in the world. "To think a wedding fit for a Queen for your birthday gift; isn't that grand Honey?" Melissa finally said to Hanna continued before leaving her bedroom to find her veil.

Hanna didn't answer her. She could not even understand why her mother and father had accepted an arranged wedding so easily. They were in the twenty-first century and living in a country with laws against just this type of thing. But she had to accept her fate. The last thing she wanted was to cause her parents any shame for rejecting an age-old tradition.

But sometimes she would indulge in the 'what-ifs' and wonder what would happen to her if she refused to marry. She had no one else, her parents were her only living relatives, if her parents would cut ties with her, what would happen to her? She had not yet gone to college, not yet worked a day in her life. Would she be able to secure employment? Would she have to live on the streets? Tears burned at the corner of her eyes, threatening puffed and red-rimmed eyes.

Besides, she just had to face the fact that she wasn't born to live a life of her own or love so deep that it would consume her entirely, like the amazing love stories she obsessively read about. No she would learn to love, just like her own parent's, theirs an arranged marriage as well, and they grew to love each other deeply and respect each other.

Hanna swallowed hard and forced a smile back at herself in the mirror.

Hanna sat down at her dresser, looking at the wedding dress hanging on the cupboard door, and wiped away the single tear that escaped down her cheek. Her chest was heavy, tight, her heart pounding while she softly whispered to herself, "You have's not going to be that bad." Hanna tried to sound as positive as she could, trying to tick her brain. Eventually, she got up and headed to her bathroom to get ready for the unescapable day.

TAKEN BY THE ALPHAWhere stories live. Discover now