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Hanna woke up in bed again, he must have carried her to bed, and as promised she was alone. Her head throbbed. She needed food, not that she was particularly hungry but, she couldn't keep falling asleep the whole time, maybe it was a protective function her body had developed due to the high-stress situation.

Hanna slowly pulled her, still overheated body, out of the bed. Quietly made her way to the door and peeked outside, saw Max asleep on the sofa, his arm over his eyes, and his legs hanging over the side of the plush sofa. She tiptoed passed him to the kitchen, and opened the fridge, she was starving, taking out eggs, cheese, and some bacon. She started making breakfast. The smell was heavenly. Making breakfast was the one meal she loved to cook, at the house, Hanna was rarely afforded any time in the kitchen. Her Mother always said that a proper lady managed a kitchen not slaved in it. But Hanna had still snuck in, either when her parents went away on business trips or when it was too early for any of the staff to arrive, and googled breakfast delights, cooking to her heart's content.

Hanna poured herself another fresh coffee, loving the bitter taste, she hastily washed a pan and whisk she had used for the eggs. A warm sensation tingled threw her body, as her mark started a dull burn. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Max, walking into the kitchen, bare-chested, with his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, proudly displaying the toned valleys of his chest, extremely well-proportioned six-pack and sloping v of his hips. Her eyes followed the trail down to the impressive bulge outlined by the grey soft material, which didn't leave very much to the imagination. Hanna couldn't deny that he was in peek physical shape and that she wondered how her fingers would feel tracing every peck, how he would taste....

Abruptly stopping her trail of thought, and looking up, her cheeks erupted into a volcano of embarrassment, Max had caught her staring at his dick. The smirk, on his lips now evolved into a full-on smile, as he walked over to take a seat at the kitchen island.

'Shiiiit'. Act normal. Act normal. Or better, act like you don't care. Hanna scolded herself, flipping her hair, and pivoting around. "Like what you see? Don't be embarrassed baby, I'm yours to look at" he said, his voice deep and still sleepy, and his lazy smile reaching his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Hanna asked, choking on the embarrassment, she couldn't deny that she reacted to him. He was handsome, and that body...

She had never even been kissed passionately before Max. Never desired any type of physical connection with a man, especially not sexual, and never explored that type of intimacy, not even with herself, she tried porn a few times, but her shyness got the better of her. Grant had been cold and distant towards her, they never even held hands throughout their engagement.

So how could she fantasize about him, want to touch him, kiss him ... taste him or urgently need to be kissed and touched by him?

Preocupied Hanna spilled coffee over her shirt and sweatpants, luckily the hot contents of the mug already cooled. Without giving it a second thought, Hanna quickly took off the soaked pants, hanging them over one of the counters to dry. Then looked up, seeing that she still had a very intrigued audience. 

TAKEN BY THE ALPHAWhere stories live. Discover now