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James stared at Hanna, she wished her words were cutting into his flesh, like a million little knives, each cut bleeding him dry. "It could not have been legal, my dear. Don't worry about that, I'll deal with it" he said cupping her cheek, Hanna hated the feel of his skin on her cheek.

Hanna heard Max growling fiercely at James's contact and pulled away giving him a fake frown. "It was legal James. Believe me. You can check. There was a...Officiant and paperwork, we had signed...." Hanna looked up, giving him the best dow eyes she could master "For it to be legal my sweet Hanna you would have had to have consummated the wedding... and as such we will have it annulled" James said with a smile through gritted teeth. "We did consummate the Marriage James..." She knew she didn't have to add that but she wanted to.

James's turned an angry red as he walked over to the desk picking up the phone, "Alex, it's, James Grant. I need a favor could you check my marital status for me? Thank you. Her name is Hanna Crow. Yes, nitwit, I'll wait. Oh really, I see. When? Fine... undo it then. You have until tomorrow to figure a way out of this...No I don't care what it costs" he yelled then slammed the phone down and walked back to her. His face was now as white as a sheet, but he still wore a painfully fake smile.

"I see we have a little problem, my dear. You are indeed married to that man. He of course forced you, I can were scared and could not protest, I will fix this, don't worry. Any Court will dismiss a Forced Marriage in a second" James said with a confident smirk now secured on his face. "We will be married tomorrow don't fret... even if you are not pure anymore Hanna, I may not have been your first, but I will be your last lover, my dear. You will be my wife Hanna, Lady James Grant" Fear drowned any confidence Hanna had claimed to this point. She turned and attempted to walk away. But felt him gripping and pulling her arm to face him.

A tightening sensation in her chest started clawing inside her, begging to be released, a feeling filled with rage. Her heartbeat increased as she looked at him, "You're hurting me" she snarled, pulling herself free from his grip. She was trying her hardest to obey Max's wish. "You were right, I am tired. I'm going to my room, I need to rest seeing that I am to have such a busy day tomorrow" she said faking a smile and walking off.

Once in the room she locked the door and sank to the floor as an overwhelming mixture of fear and heartbreak swept through her. She sat weeping on the floor. "My love, please, I will fight as you must fight for me. You are a Kahli now, be strong, I need ... I need you to be my strong Hanna, please baby" she heard Max whisper.

"Max, he was the one who paid you to kidnap me, wasn't he?" she asked.

After a moment of silence, he answered, "No. He did not pay me Baby, but held my land ransom. My father had lost the land in a foolish card game to him. You see, my Hanna, he promised he'd give my land back if I kidnapped you. But then I fell in love with you, and everything changed, you are mine now I will fight for you till my last breath" Max replied in a low loving voice.

She interrupted him "You betrayed him, you kept me, so he decided to come for me himself..." she said as she got off the floor and walked to the bathroom rinsing the tears off her face. "Yes, I did betray him. Hanna, he wanted me to kill you, and I couldn't, wouldn't. I ignored all his attempts at communication. He must have realized that, and wanted to play savior, this was the only way to save his sorry ass"

She looked up at herself in the mirror, "Max, what do we do now?"

"We wait until the ceremony when your parents are here. I can escape from this cage if I phase, but I won't not until I know you are safe with your family"

She stroked over her mark, which was partly covered with the bandages wishing that she was in his arms, sending him images of her kissing him, "I love you Max" a single tear rolled over her cheek.

'I love you, too. Keep fighting, my Hanna, be safe" she felt as he retreated from her mind and loneliness crept into her heart.

TAKEN BY THE ALPHAWhere stories live. Discover now