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Grant watched his sick and twisted plan unfold, step by step, admiring his handiwork. He had to give Max Kali some of the credit for the stunning show. He had done everything right down to the smallest detail that Grant had asked for, even got her at exactly the right moment, just as she was walking up the church steps. So dramatic. Grant thought almost smiling at the memory of how well everything was done but quickly schooled his face into the "upset and broken" groom.

"We need to stay calm," Lord James Senior said, comforting Mellissa after another one of her sobbing panic attacks. Time to put on the show, Grant laughed on the inside and got up.

"Calm down!! Calm down, Grandfather, how? I want the bastard's head on a platter, whoever did this is going to pay!!!" Grant shouted at the Police detective standing in the chapel, "You, Cop, do what you have to. Don't just stand there talking. Do your job!!!"

"Grant, please, I understand that you are just as upset and that you are ...concerned about Hanna ... even in still shock yourself... But we have to stay calm to ensure Hanna's safe return" James Senior said, not understanding this change of heart Grant had towards the Crow girl. Grant seeing the question reflecting in his grandfather's eyes quickly added "Grandfather, please, you have no idea of what I feel for Hanna, concerned...doesn't even come close, we were going to start forever...just like she wanted ..." Grant sat down lowering his head, knowing the answer would satisfy the old man. Head still in his hands, playing along, thinking of how he wasn't lying, he did, after all, loathe the girl forever.

Hanna's Mother came over to comfort him, holding him close to her chest "I know honey. We all love Hanna" Grant looked up, forcing a single tear to roll over his cheek, he would have laughed if he could, and praised himself on this outstanding performance. But he once again put on his best miserable face and said, "I know I didn't have a lot of time with her but...I...We..wanted ... " A few more tears shot to his eyes as his voice broke. The timing was perfect. Damm those acting workshops he had taken as a child came in handy now.

Mellissa took his face in her hands, "Honey, you don't have to explain to anyone here how you feel, you cared for her, starting a love journey, no matter the way or how and why's." A single tear rolled down his cheek again as Mellissa hugged him even harder.

"Does she have any enemies you know of Lord Crow, anyone that wanted to stop the wedding? an ex-boyfriend or lover?" Another police officer asked. "None that I know of, Hanna didn't date, well not until James started courting her" Lord Crow answered rubbing his right arm and then his chest. Grant stood up and walked to the window leaning on the wall he said, "Lord Crow, Grandfather, Mellissa I won't rest till we have her back, that's my promise to you, I give you my word"

Lord Crow walked over to where Grant was standing and put his hand on Grant's shoulder, half turning Grant to face him, saying slowly and almost out of breath, "You would have made my Hanna proud." then collapsed to the floor.

Mellissa ran over to where he had fallen at Grant's feet and quickly kneeled by his side shouting, "Call an ambulance," tears streaming down her already swollen cheeks. The officer pulled out his radio, rambling orders, shoving at everyone standing around Lord Crow to make way.

Grants looked around at all the people standing near Lord Crow and saw out of the corner of his eye that his Grandfather was staring at him with a vague look in his eyes. He was too silent for Grant's liking, what is the old man up to now? Could he have figured it out? Could he suspect that he was to blame for all the mishaps today? Grant calmed himself down before putting on a very concerned face he looked over to where his Grandfather was sitting, "Grandfather, are you alright? You look very pale as well. Maybe the doctor should have a look at you too."

Lord James Senior didn't reply at first. After a moment or so he sighed and said, "I am fine James. Lord Crow needs medical attention more than I do, go and be with him." James Senior ordered. 

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