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Hanna tried to open her eyes, but the throbbing ache at the back of her head made the easy task even more difficult. After taking a deep breath, she tried again. Everything around her was blurry, she closed her eyes again and again until they focused. She could now clearly make out what seemed to be the ceiling, a wooden ceiling. She pulled herself up slowly on her elbows and looked around. She saw wooden logs on the room walls with big windows and a small iron fireplace in the corner of the room and the other corner a wooden wardrobe.

Slowly sitting up, she touched the back of her head, her fingers finding the tender spot as she flinched in pain, renewing the headache banging against her skull. With urgent panic rising inside her, as memories of what happened played threw her mind, she had been taken.

The need to get out of there was clawing on her insides. Pulling the blanket from her body, she froze looking down at the ripped dirty wedding dress, she tried to get up she was overtaken by nauseating dizziness forcing her to bed again, after taking a few more breaths she slowly rose again. Reaching for the end of the bed for assistance, she looked around the room again, next to the wardrobe was a door. She needed to get to that door.

She moved along the side of the bed, still stopping every few minutes to fight the onslaught of nausea and dizziness. So focused on moving and breathing through the pain that she didn't hear the door opposite her open. But then she saw him. She leaned against the bed, stunned at this sexy giant dressed in nothing but a wet towel, her eyes hungrily devouring every inch of his arms and the valley of his chest.

Her eyes met his, and a deep red blushed her cheeks. They just stared at each other not knowing what to say, she broke the silence first "Why am I here? Are you...are you... going to kill me?" She could see he wasn't quite hearing her and said again, "Why did you kidnap me...?" she made a move towards to door but her uneasy legs gave in and sent her stumbling to the floor. He caught her just before impact, and before she knew it she was in his arms against his very naked chest. She took several deep breaths, before opening her eyes, she couldn't stop herself from inhaling his freshly showered scent, which weirdly enough had a calming effect on her. Leather and pine surrounded her. She slowly opened her eyes and whispered "Why me..."

He hesitated a moment to answer, then still holding her close, walked over to the bed. Hanna tried not to notice the way she was pressed against his body or how close his lips were or the undoubted hunger blazing in his eyes. As he lowered her onto the bed, he hovered over her his hand reaching up to cut her cheek, taking a deep breath, he pulled away but did not let go of her, still holding her to his chest.

Reality crashed into Hanna like a freit train, why was she reacting to this man like an overly hormonal school girl, this was the same man who kidnapped her and who could want to rape and kill her. Realization shot her straight into a panic attack "No... please don't hurt me" she repeated over and over, huddling up, pulling her head into her legs, her knees up. Newfound tears rushed over her face. The man took a sudden step back and breathed out loud, anger and irritation written over his face. He turned around without a word and slammed the door, Hanna hadn't noticed next to the fireplace, closed behind him, metal rattled against it, signaling that she was locked in

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