003. | sunshine

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        Amira Lestrange calls Ophelia, sunshine because her optimism is as bright as the blazing star above. No matter the predicament, Ophelia Laurent will always find a way to smile. To somehow use her heart of gold and honey to make even the darkest situations, brighter. Wherever she goes, the light follows.

    And so, after her brief chat with Amira, Ophelia was bursting with hope. She was going to go into her, evil and slimy, professor's classroom with a smile. She was going to let the light in.

       "Professor?" Ophelia peered her head inside the grand classroom before allowing herself in. It was eerily quiet. She could practically hear her own heartbeat pumping blood through her veins.

      "Ms. Laurent?" Ophelia's ears perked up at the sound of his voice.

     Ophelia watched as Tom walked out of a door within his classroom and gulped. "Am I early?" Ophelia suddenly asked as a way to break the awkward tension.

Tom only shook his head in response and gestured for her to sit down at a desk.

"Let's start with the basics," Tom began.

     It's official, Ophelia Laurent was an idiot. She could not comprehend even the most simple of spells. Ophelia's once optimistic look at her new tutoring situation had deflated quickly and Tom was growing more impatient by the second. "Try again," Tom commanded but Ophelia shrugged instead.

    Tom could practically smell melancholy radiating off of her small figure, it was making him sick.   "Actually, let's take a break," he said quickly, retracting his words before.

   Ophelia grumpily flopped down onto a chair and dramatically sighed.

     "What's wrong?" Tom asked her out of the blue.

    "You're stressing me out, I can barely breathe around you, and it's too bloody quiet in here," Ophelia burst without thinking.

   "I enjoy the silence," Tom responded nonchalantly.

    "Why?" was all Ophelia could ask.

    "I grew up in an orphanage, it was always so loud in there and so I sought for peace, silence,'' he told her and quickly began packing up her things for her.

It was at that moment Ophelia Laurent began to think, maybe, just maybe, Tom Riddle was not as evil as she thought.

If only that were true.

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