001. | good-looking boy

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    Tom Marvolo Riddle.

    His very name was a facade, a name that he used to parade around society with, hiding his true origins. He never had any relations with the Gaunt family, he never knew his muggle father. Tom Riddle came from filth, the beauty and the horror of his birth would always amaze him. A powerful wizard like him, one would assume he came from a place of warmth and a family which nourished him but that was not at all the situation for him.

   He was fucking filthy and so, he scrubbed himself clean from the sin of Wools Orphanage. Rarely did anyone know where he came from, he didn't like people looking at him with pity. Tom built himself up to be a powerful gentleman in high society, everything about him was a perfectly curated lie.

  But Ophelia couldn't have been more glad to know the truth. During their little vacation to his family home, Tom told her everything. He told her about his future plans of cleansing the world, making it pure from muggle-born blood, "I want to leave you behind a world without filth, so you won't ever have to endure what I went through," were his exact words.

  At first, Ophelia was bewildered, baffled even at these ideologies he held but when he reminded her of his motivations for it, she eased in. 

    Tom was only doing this because he loved her, right?

    "You seem brighter than ever, Sunshine," Amira pointed out as she slid into the compartment. Ophelia blushed and shrugged her shoulders.

   "So tell me, what did you do over the summer?" Amira Lestrange probed at Ophelia, hair between her fingers and gum being chewed on in her mouth.

    Ophelia paused for a moment, memories flooding her mind and one particular moment sticking out. It had occurred to Ophelia after her passion-filled night with Tom, that the followers he mentioned most likely included Amira Lestrange's father and her dear cousin, Abraxas Malfoy. Ophelia pondered, wondering whether Amira knew or not.

    "Nothing of interest, I'd probably bore you to death," she responded instead, with a smile.

     The great hall was louder than ever, the energy in the room was pulsing. Every student and all school staff had been called into the great hall for an announcement that had remained unknown until Albus Dumbledore waltzed in.

    "Maybe Dippet's finally stepping down, Merlin knows it was his time to go!" Amira exclaimed with a wicked laugh, poking fun at the headmaster who happened to be of very old age.

    Albus Dumbledore stood tall in front of the crowded room, with an unwavering stoic face despite the eyes on him and when he spoke, his voice sent shivers down Ophelia's spine.

    "It is with a heavy heart that I stand here in place of our headmaster, who I assure is facing this situation head first, that there has been an infiltration of dark wizards in our school," Dumbledore's voice boomed.

   Tom Riddle had told Ophelia Laurent that everything about him was a painfully cruel lie. She just hadn't realized that he was warning her, not confiding in her. Her Tom, her painfully charming, good-looking boy was an utter liar.

     Ophelia thought she had uncovered his secrets, and found her way out of this haze he had trapped her in, stopping her from seeing the cruel truth about him but turns out there was more. More lies, more secrecy, and now she found herself rushing out of the great hall, hoping to find her capturer.  

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