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"Uncle Taehyung?"

Taehyung looked down, smiling at Yoongi holding a picture up. "What's up, munchkadee? What's this?" He took the picture, looking at it. Scribbles and two tall stick figures, the hair was drawn on. Three other small stick figures were drawn next to it, clothing and hair also drawn on. "Aw bud. Is this our family?" Yoongi nodded. "Dad and- and you are the tall ones. Me, Kook and Joonie are uh.." He looked at the picture. "Um." He tilted his head. Then pointed to the three small stick figures. "Thoshe are..me, Coushin Joonie and Coushin Kookie." Taehyung had to coo at his nephew, picking him up and sitting him in his lap. "Little artist. Let's go show your Dad, yeah?"

"Oh. Dad ish on a trip. He be back shoon."


"To the shtore!" Yoongi giggled. Taehyung sighed in relief. "Okay, you scared me for a second, I thought Jimin went on vacation and just left me to take care of you." Yoongi shook his head. "Dad will be back. Right now!" He jumped off and ran to the door, standing away from it. Jimin unlocked the front door, walking in with bags. "Dad!" He looked down, smiling brightly. "Yoongi! Hello, rockstar!" He picked his son up, hoisting him on his hip. "How's my son doing? Doing well?" He asked. "Dad! Uhm, I made a picture for all of ush! You, Uncle TaeTae, Coushin Kookie and Coushin Joonie are on there!" Jungkook ran downstairs, gasping. "Uncle Jimin! Brother, Uncle Jimin is back!" Yoongi whined, hugging Jimin tightly. Jimin chuckled, setting Yoongi on the floor. "Uncle Jimin, look what we made for you."

A knock was heard at the door in the meantime, Taehyung getting up and opening it. "Hoseok, hey." Yoongi saw the door and almost ran out, stopped by Taehyung and picked up by him as he groaned. "Hey, I have Seokjin here for a playdate. Jimin said we can come over whenever we want."

"He did? Yoongi look, it's your friend." Yoongi looked over, seeing Seokjin. "Seokie." He got down, looking at him. "Do you want to play?" he asked. Seokjin shook his head. Yoongi tilted his head. "He was so excited for this playdate. Why are you sad, hm?" Seokjin looked up at Hoseok, "I don't want you to leave."

"I'll be here, talking to Jimin and Taehyung."

"But Dad.."

Hoseok crouched down, "I know. But your friends are here to play with you." He stood. "I'm sorry, he's kind of not feeling well." Taehyung nodded. "Well, we have some water and medicine if he needs." Yoongi pouted. "Seokie doeshn't want to play." Taehyung picked Yoongi up, "It's because he doesn't feel well, bub. Go easy okay?" Yoongi pouted. Hoseok cooed, then led Seokjin over to the kitchen to get some medicine. "Can I have some juice?"

"Of course." Hoseok gave the boy some juice, smiling. Seokjin took the juice and started drinking it. Yoongi got down, walking to his friend. "Seokie." Seokjin looked at Yoongi, sipping on his juice. "Do you want some?" He gave his cup to Yoongi. Yoongi looked at it, drinking some juice. Jimin walked into the kitchen, humming. "Yoongi~ I got you something I've had for a while." He gave Yoongi an ipad, watching his tiny hands take it. "Now be careful with it, okay? I don't want you breaking it." Yoongi stared at the ipad, smiling and nodding. "Okay!" He ran off with the ipad in hand, giggling as he jumped onto the couch. "Be careful." Yoongi huffed. Namjoon and Jungkook ran over to Yoongi, sitting next to him. "What's that?"

"An- iPad, Dad gave it to me. It has games." Yoongi opened up the camera, seeing himself in it. The three stared in awe, seeing Seokjin in the camera. "Jinnie, come join!" Seokjin sat on the couch, looking into the camera. "Woah. DAD! COME HERE!" He shouted, coughing into his arm. You gave him an iPad, Jimin?" Jimin shrugged. "What'll happen? He coughs and spills drinks on it?" He sipped his drink, leaning back in the chair. "Exactly. It'll then break, and you'll have to spend tons of money to fix it." Yoongi ran up to his Dad. "Dad. Dad." He had a concerned look on his face. Jimin looked down, picking Yoongi up and sitting him in his lap. "What's wrong?"

"The- The camera wont work. Look." Yoongi tried turning the iPad on, but it wouldn't turn on. "Dad, please fix it." He gave doe eyes, staring at Jimin. "What did I tell you?" Hoseok sipped his coffee, talking with Taehyung to keep him company. Jimin sighed softly, getting up and walking upstairs with Yoongi in his arms, hearing the iPad drop. "Yoongi!" He gasped, picking up the device before holding onto it. "I told you to be careful." Yoongi whined, hiding his face in his dad's shoulder. "Next time be careful." Jimin sat Yoongi on his bed, looking at the device. Sighing softly as he shook his head, trying to turn the tablet on by holding the power button. "Bud..you broke it." He plugged it in, hoping it would charge. But it wouldn't.

Yoongi stared at Jimin, smiling a little. "Well..I'm going to have to go get it fixed, or buy a new one. Yknow what? Let's go get it fixed." He was picked up by his arms, hoisted onto Jimins hip. He giggled, wrapping an arm around his neck. Jimin tickled Yoongis side gently, hearing his snickers. "Poor iPad. When we get there, did you want to say goodbye to the device?"


"You do?" Yoongi nodded. Jimin shrugged, walking downstairs. "Hey, who wants to go to the mall? I need to get the iPad fixed and we can look around while we wait." Taehyung and Hoseok agreed, getting up. "Come on kids, let's go to the mall!" Jungkooks head perked up, smiling bright, shaking Namjoon awake. "Brother!" Namjoon opened his eyes, rubbing them with his fists. "Kook?"

"We're going to the mall!" Jungkook got up, running upstairs to get his socks and shoes on. Namjoon did the same, while Seokjin just hugged Hoseoks leg, staring at Yoongi. Yoongi looked around as Jimin put his shoes on, tongue sticking out. "Dad?" Seokjin asked. Hoseok crouched down to his son, looking at him. "What's up, superstar?"

"Is Yoongi a Prince?"

"Why, yes he is. How did you figure that out?"

"Dad, my eye hurts." Yoongi pouted out. Jimin hummed, finishing strapping Yoongis velcro shoes on, picking him up. "We'll bring along your medication." He grabbed the medication, walking to the door. "Let's go, hm?"


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