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I suddenly sprung out of bed and shoved a dressing gown on then ran to the mirror, thinking i had been hallucinating this whole time.

I stared into the mirror as it stared back and i pinched myself before releasing a loud scream, instantly regretting that action i turned to the bed to see nothing but a messy unmade bed with no one in.

I stared into the mirror as it stared back and i pinched myself before releasing a loud scream, instantly regretting that action i turned to the bed to see nothing but a messy unmade bed with no one in

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Soon hoping that it would be occupied, but still loosing hope as i had no time to concentrate on relationships while having my team to impress first.

I rushed downstairs and turned the coffee machine on, then throwing some bread into the toaster and turning it on (everything was making me think of that girl)

Flashback- Those brown eyes consuming all self respect left in me as I think of all the things I could do to her, even just holding her hands turned me on from that smooth delicate touch

DING, the toaster interrupts. I struggle to grab the toast out as i fling them in the air, catching them one by one and placing them onto the plate, I butter them delicately back and forth, still thinking of her.

My coffee waiting patiently for me to remember it yet I was already fueled by the determination to find this person and finish what we started.

As the day went on I slowly built courage to try tell my club that I am looking for a lover, yet I feel the judging is waiting for me. They all have a certain stare that just pierces right through me.

I hate playing under pressure but I'm the team captain for a reason. I called georgia stanway from my England team, and asked her to meet up so she could take me to my game for me to play and so she can get a free seat within the stadium.

She agreed to it and so we headed out, we travelled to a café and order hot drinks for our trip, as we got back in the car we heard a crowd of fans approaching so we rushed off in a panic before they swarmed the car.

We got to the stadium she went to her seat to get ready, and I headed into the changing rooms to put my kit on, it was our first game of the season for arsenal and were up against villa.

Not really a challenge but still gonna be tough (I thought to myself while giggling)

My Darling- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now