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Her finger gentle pushed down on the button and netflix shown up on the TV, she then clicks onto her account and start to scroll down to find her favourites.

She then rapidly spotted oppenheimer and pressed onto the title, then clicked play. While leah was being lazy laying back on the chair. Jordan was singing in the kitchen.

She sang a song by Adelle, leah started to put some chocolate powder into the cup but then the screaming stopped and Jordan shouted out "finally its done".

She came back in the room where leah was laying down with 2 cups of hot chocholate while approaching her.

She then places her cup down while gently kissing Leah's head, she give her a death stare while Jordan headed to her seat, Jordan then placed her own cup down.

Leah asked Jordan "do you think I'm being too petty and overthinking things?" Jordan just kissed her on the hand and said "look sweetheart you may be overthinking things but I promise you I'm not using you."

Leah slowly glanced at Jordan as she added " ik one thing though, if you let me I would tear you apart before u could even drink your hot chocolate"

Leahs eyes quickly widened after what just came out Jordans mouth, her words yet not therapeutic still calming as she get reminded the feel of her going down on her.

Leahs cheeks blush hard as she replies " not today Jordan". Jordan got slightly upset by that but she decides to move on and tells her " drink your hot chocholate"

Leah giggles as she mimics the mistaked way Jordan pronounces Chocolate. Jordan tells Leah to shut up, then they both pick up their cups and take a sip.

The heat warms up both Leah and Jordan but Leah still feels a slight cold but she didn't realise it was just guilt.

Jordan asked "how's the hot chocholate?" Leah responds "well idk about the hot chocholate but the hot chocolate was good"

They start play fighting as Leah starts to get on Jordans nerves. A few thuds at the door interupt us as someone else is here?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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