knock knock

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Leah's eyes flash open as the door knocks loudly, leah stuttered to her feet as she trys to stand up. She shove some clothes on quickly and stagger towards the front door.

The knocking continues as she get to the door, leah swing the door open just to see her standing there... Jordan stormed in through the door and grabbed my neck with one of her hands, she passionately kissed Leah's lips once and said "I'm sorry for walking out on you baby".

Leah closed the door behind her and looked deeply into her eyes, Leah barely stuttered "it's okay I'm just trying to figure out whats wrong with me". Jordan then drags her upstairs and pushes her up against the wall and tells Leah to shut up.

Her delicate lips lightly press against mine again as she grapples her hands around Leah's neck. She pushes her off of her gently then tells her "you can't just kiss me to make things better, I need time"

Jordan replies "well what the fuck can I do?, I can't fuck u, I can't kiss you, what do u want from me?, do you want me to sit you down like a little kid and talk to you about you feelings?, do you need me to make you a hot chocholate because your such a fucking baby"

Leah exclaimed "you can start by doing one thing, and fuck off, all you want is sex, I want to be happy not just pleased, i need you in my life to help me not to use me" she stopped talking as tears started to drop down her face.

Jordan wiped off the tears that slid down her face, then they both sort of just sat down on the sofa in silence. Jordan then interrupted the silence "would you like a hot chocholate now?" Then she whispered under her breath " baby"

"Yes please, that would be nice" she quickly answered. Jordan got up and walked towards the kitchen, leah decided tho take the time she had to herself to slouch back and think about what's been happening.

She then starts to think of that girl from the club again but then the screaming sound of the kettle reminded her that she's not on her own, so then she sat up and leaned for the remote.

The TV begins to turn on as she press down the power button, she looks down at the remote trying to find the netflix button, her finger slide over the buttons gently as It approached the netflix button.

My Darling- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now