Chapter Eight

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I looked at Isabelle who has yet to take her eyes off her phone. I didn't want to just leave her sitting in my living room, but I also didn't want to stand here watching her text. "Do you want something to eat or something?" I asked her, hoping that would get her attention.

"What do you have?" She looked up at me, but before giving me time to say anything she said, "Better yet, let's go out and get something."

"We're skipping school, and you want to go out and get breakfast?" Trying not to sound lame I added, "I don't care or anything , but you might."

"Oh my god." She rolled her eyes, "Just come on" and with that she grabbed her car keys -that we're currently sitting on my coffee table- slid on her sandals, and started walking towards the front door.

The car ride was filled with mostly forced conversation, and I was actually relieved when we pulled into IHOP parking lot.

After being seated, Isabelle took it among herself to order us both orange juice, which I hated. But I didn't say anything.

Isabelle let out a big sigh, and when I looked at her she said, "My phones dead." she tosses her IPhone onto the table like it was full of poison.

"Oh." I pulled my little phone I've had since the age of nine, "You can use mine."

She took one glance at my raggedy phone lying on the table and said, "No thanks"

The waitress came over and sat out juices on the table . "Are you ladies ready to order?"

I realized I hadn't had a chance to look at the menu.

"We would like whatever special your having this morning." Isabelle smiled up at the waitress.

"Ma'am, we don't have any specials." The waitress looked slightly embarrassed.

"Then surprise us." Isabelle said as she handed her the menus.

With a shocked look, the waitress took the menus from her hand and walked away.

"What if we don't like what she brings us?" I only had ten dollars in my wallet, and I couldn't afford to get something else in case I didn't like whatever we were brought.

Isabelle shrugged. "Let's play a game."


"21 questions."

"Okay." I looked at her, waiting, unsure of what to do

"I'll go first ." She paused, I assumed because she was thinking. "What do you want to be when you graduate?"

"I don't know."

"Come on, you have to answer."

"I really don't know." I really didn't.

She rolled her eyes. "Ask me something."

"Uh. What is your favorite color?"

She rolled her eyes again. "Seriously? Pink." I could tell she was bored with the game already. "Do you like my brother?"

I had an answer this time, I shook my head furiously . "No."

Isabelle laughed, "Whatever."

I decided I needed a good question, or Isabelle would get bored with me. "Why are you always on your phone?"

This time when she looked at me, she didn't look bored, "To talk to my old friends. Well they're still my friends, they're just far away now."

Of course she had friends. Anyone would want to be Isabelle's friend. Moving with four weeks left of school isn't just hard for Sebastian, it's hard for Isabelle too.

"If you don't like my brother, then who do you like?" She asked like a little school girl.

"I don't like anyone." I didn't want to give her any time to press the matter so I quickly said, "Why are you so nice to me?"

Just as I got my question out, our waitress was back with our food. On each of our plates, there was a stack of pancakes, topped with powdered sugar, an assortment of fruits and syrup.

Isabelle said, "Thanks Nancy." Confused I looked at our waitress, and seen Nancy stitched to her IHOP uniform.

We are in silence, but only because we were to busy stuffing our faces. I was surprised at how much Isabelle consumed.

When it was time to pay, Isabelle pulled out a gold visa and I dug around in my wallet for my ten. Nancy took Isabelle's card before I could give her my money.

"Wait, I have money." I didn't want Isabelle paying my way, she already offered to give me rides to school. I wasn't a needy person.

Isabelle just winked at Nancy, "All on my card, and go ahead and give yourself a nice tip."

Nancy smiled and said thanks before walking to the cash register.

I tried handing Isabelle my money, but she refused.

As we were walking out of IHOP Isabelle said, "I'm nice to you because you haven't given me reason not to be."

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