Chapter Five

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At the end of class, I took a little extra time to gather my things, then I walked over to Mr.Todd's desk. Throughout the class period, I thought of several ways to approach him about the partner situation. Luckily, I didn't get a chance to work with Sebastian on our project, because he had to spend the period catching up. I had to admit, it must be pretty hard on Sebastian. Having to catch up in all his classes, with four weeks left of school. Also finals were right around the corner. But that didn't mean I wanted to be his partner either.

"Mr.Todd?" I hoped my voice didn't sound as nervous as I felt.

Without looking up from the papers he was grading he said, "Yes Samantha?"

"I just wanted to discuss the -"

"Oh, let me guess. You don't want to be partners with Mr.Weathers?" He looked up from his papers as he said this.

I nodded.

"Well I'm sorry Samantha, but it looks like you'll have to be." He started marking papers again.

"I'm almost finished. " This got him to look up again.

"The assignment is to research your foreign country, and prepare a visual presentation. Just have Mr.Weathers hold up a poster board."

"We discussed that. Uh, you told me that I could just make a video and show it to you." I picked at my fingernails. I hated having to talk to Mr.Todd about this, it was bad enough to ask him for special treatment before, so I didn't have to present in front of the class alone.

"Yes, but before when we discussed it you didn't have a partner. Now you do."

"Yes but-"

"No buts. You are graduating in four weeks Samantha. It's time you learned that life is going to throw things at you that sometimes you don't want to catch. "After he said this, he went back to grading papers, and didn't look up again.


My fourth period was gym. I put on my uniform, and went to the track with the rest of my class. When the teacher told us today was "Mile Day", instead of lingering around the starting line, complaining with the rest of my class, I just took off.

At first I broke into a full sprint, which was a big mistake because I became tired quickly. But I kept pushing, I didn't slow down or stop. Surprisingly, it felt great. The wind blew my hair, and I could feel my ponytail sliding from side to side on my back. My legs ached, but I kept pushing them farther and farther, feeling as if I was flying. I focused on the track, and didn't look around, or behind me.

I start to forget all about Sebastian, about my report, about the "Green Giant". I just think about running.

Before I knew it, Coach Raleigh blew her whistle signaling the end of gym. The other girls started running to get to the locker room so they would have time to change back into their school clothes, fix their hair and makeup only to go home.

I just walk. Most days I don't bother changing out of my gym uniform, and just wear it home. It's not really a downgrade from my school clothes.

As I passed the bench, Coach Raleigh called me over.

"You did really good today Sam, you ran four extra laps" The way she was looking at me, was a way I've never been looked at before.

I honestly didn't know how long I ran. I didn't even count one lap.

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