Chapter - 1

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From the earth it rose , to the earth it falls , the tiny yet unity lies in its strength neatly and blatantly wrapped in a shape of the most amazing and the most painful emotion called love , reached to the ears of all the passionate – the young as well as the old , proudly calling itself as the elixir of life and the elixir of love – the thirst which suits it the best ,bemoaned sweetly about the emotion budding up in each others heart which didn’t go unnoticed by them either.

They patiently heard about the rain spelling a magical charm around them and trapping in its web . They didn’t complain , for them each rainy day meant happiness , joy , cuddles and sweet nothings . Yes. A hot cup of tea isn’t just an addition . It reaches our hands automatically and tastes lovelier these days especially with the perfect amount of sweetness , a bit of elaichi – the bite to which  always makes us remember that where there is love, there will be conflict too in similar to the third important law in physics of the man himself which the apples loved .

Then there will be lots of love, making the tea even more divine.
So many magical things can a tea or coffee bring with our special ones in life – be it friend , a partner or both.

‘ Do you know how so good the feeling is when we reunite after a fight ?’ asked her.

‘ No. You must explain to me about it.’ he thought for a while and replied her which ended with a chuckle.

She pouted . He is a goner for it.

‘ It is like a thousand moons shining together making the night even more brighter’

‘ You’re my moon ’ whispered him lightly kissing her earlobes.

She blushed.

‘ Bava…please’ 

The red hue spreading on her cheeks beautifully said that even though she protests sweetly ….she wanted more.


Yes. That was her. Just like the moonlight – pure and untouched. Even in the daylight , she could put the sun to a shame , the radiance and the motherly glow brimming on her face.

Complex were the days prior to their six months of marriage . Though , it wasn’t the disapproval from their families to tie them together in a bond , which they wanted as well , kept them away from their marriage . Time – the all superior one can only decide the sweet moment to bind them together .

People who are meant to be together , will be together.

It was the first time on a Sunday morning , he met her. She was literally the Mahalakshmi who diaphanously arose from the ocean of milk . A nymph who can gracefully win over the queen of apsaras even. The aura spreading around her was so lovely as the green field. It was picturesque . 

Maybe Jai could not fathom whether the goddess itself had reached down earth to bless his eyes, he stood rooted to the ground. 

A subtle breeze caressed her tresses and the crops swayed in the wind while the baby hair kept disturbing her eyes. 

If this is love , so be it. Thought him.

He was truly smitten by her beauty and innocence which her face reflected. She could never fail his assumptions for none of the girls had took him into a trance like how she did. It might sound ridiculous. But he enjoyed every moment – now seeing her.

Jai wasn’t a playboy.

He was a boy who was just surrounded by girls like how his mother says ,

‘ You’re a jaggery who is always surrounded by bees’ 

‘ My charm attracts everyone , amma ’ he winks.

For her , the emotions she went through wasn’t reverse either.      
Coming out, No , escaping gracefully from her home for before , she in her regal composure , stated that the king himself would come to asking her hands in marriage , is now seen roaming around the field to stop her marriage alliance for the umpteenth time.

Nagulu was her companion whom she always summons for help to ceasing her meeting with the boys.

 Poor fellow has been dreaming about marrying her , the reason why he gleefully joins her to stopping the meeting between the bride and groom’s families.

Today was also the same. Them together in the field , to spoil another alliance. But something was different about today. She was acting weirdly , which didn’t go unnoticed by Nagulu.

A lot of smiles and hidden blushes said a different story the moment Jai got out from his car.

Deep brown orbs which spoke volumes , sharp flawless nose , tapered eyebrows , thin sultry lips , perfectly chiseled jawline and his jet black mane which altogether made him look no lesser than a Greek god.The height perfectly complementing his weight. The black shirt and the French grey tinted pant hugged him like another skin accentuating his 6’2’’ body. 

She was surprised and squealed in mind finding her knight in shining armour after eons. Her patience and effort didn’t go in vain. All she wanted was to know this man more. 

Just like any other time , Nagulu introduced them as lovers thinking he would be the boy who was coming to meet her. She didn’t know him as any other person either. But she was struggling to keep Nagulu’s mouth shut. 

He kept on blabbering .

Jai heard everything with smiles and chuckles curiously not letting his eyes off her. He understood their play and played along with the original groom who arrived just after a couple of minutes from his arrival. 

Jai said each word with utter precision unlike Nagulu’s lame statements , which made the guy retreat from visiting her home. 

The girl is mine . He muttered under his breath.

She blushed when he inquired whether she was happy because the marriage was cancelled. Of course she was, owing to two reasons . 

First , obviously for cancelling the marriage and secondly , that there is a little hope remaining in her to marry him. Yes . She was also trapped in his charisma.

Later only she found out that he was her cousin . Happiness multiplied by many times that it bursted out from her heart , reflecting on her face as an embarrassed smile , the embarrassment reasoning all the events which had happened a few minutes before out there.

‘ Call me once again …’

‘ Bava…’

He relished it every time when she addressed him as her cousin in all its rawness of the native touch. 

‘ Bangaram....’ 

Vennela was literally gold personified. A true gold. Both inside and outside . It was reflected everywhere she was. A chirpy happy mood she created. His naughty notorious wife. 

His kept his palm over hers while she help the cup. On his lap , watching the rain gave her solace and warmth. 

‘ What are our babies doing ?’ he asked while his free hand carefully caressed her now grown out belly .

‘ They are asking nana not to be a naughty boy ’ she giggled.

‘ aahan… is that so ? then let me tease your mamma more ’ winking he tickled her. 


Yours ,

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