Chapter - 3

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Jai didn’t realize when she slept in his arms .

Carrying twins were difficult and he knew it well.

He smiled at her face which was resting on the crook of his neck. Slowly he kept his palm over her six months bump. 

He found himself and his wife growing to new positions of becoming a father and mother.

Lack of rest , he thought, might have made her nauseous . She threw up all the food he fed her in the morning.

Jai was getting anxious seeing his ever-active wife in a weak state like this. Finally he took her to the hospital ignoring her pleas.

Vennela looked outside with a long face watching the vehicles outside.

Jai felt like chuckling seeing his wife’s tantrums. He kept his palm over her while she jerked it off.

‘I’m with you no . Don’t worry baby’ she held his hands tight while sitting infront of the gynecologist’s room. 

The doctor , which was his mother’s friend examined her. 

‘Everything is fine Jai. These are common during carrying twins’ she smiled making both of them a sigh in relief .

Doctor gave her medicines and asked her to walk and do exercises too. 

‘ Do you think I can exercise with this huge bump , bava ?’ she grunted after coming out of the doctor’s room .

‘You can do it , bangaruu. I will be there with you right ?’ he assured holding her hands and made her walk towards the car.

Vennela smiled lightly. 

He saw his wife like a small baby licking the ice cream spoon while watching Tom and Jerry , her favourite cartoon during the pregnancy period. 

Jai could keep his eyes off her.

While she watched the cartoon , he watched her.

She was glowing on every passing day . Her lips plump and kissable , chubby cheeks and those gorgeous eyes and long hair made Jai lost his control at his pregnant wife sometimes that he ended up kissing her. 

He caressed her bump and that was when he felt it.

‘Ahhhhh…’ Vennela clutched her bump and moaned in pain.

‘Bangaruuu..are you alright ?’ he got worried.

She smiled through tears.

‘Babies kicked’

He too smiled back with tears and kissed her forehead 

‘This is one of the most amazing feel , bangaram . Thank you for making me feel

‘Thank for making me feel it too ,bava ’ she hugged him .

He hugged her back , his palm resting on her bump feeling the kicks of their bundles of joy.

Later at night , Jai was working in his laptop . He turned back and when he saw his wife with a jug of water in her hands. 

‘Bangaram , I will complete this work soon and come. If you are sleepy , you can sleep baby’

‘No , bava. Do your work. I will wait. Babies want to sleep with their nana only ’ she said while settling on the bed caressing her baby bump.

Jai smiled at her and mumbled an ok.

After 5 minutes , Vennela got restless and stood up walking to her husband.

‘Bava.. you love this laptop only . You don’t love me . I am hungry now ‘ she started sobbing all of a sudden. 

He shut his laptop understanding his wife’s mood swings.

He pulled her to his lap gently and caressed her bump soothing her.

‘Who told you that ? I love you the most. Don’t cry’ he wiped her tears and kissed her palm.

‘ Now tell me , what does my baby want for dinner ?’

‘ummm..pasta ’ she pouted like a baby and Jai chuckled.

‘ My baby.. that’s all ? I will make for you within half an hour ’

She smiled wide while he carried her to the kitchen and placed on a chair .

Vennela looked at her husband cooking for her lovingly. He cut the veggies , sauted , while on the other stove he kept the pasta to boil. 

Her eyes glittered seeing his love for her.

She got up from the seat and hugged his left arm because the heavy bump did not allow her to hug him from behind.

Jai ruffled her hair and kissed her head. 

‘ Bava …sorry for troubling you at this night.. My mood swings are driving me crazy’ her eyes welled up. 

Jai hugged her close. 

‘ Did I complain to you about anything ? I love doing everything for you . If you think like this , then see me as a stranger only ’

She pouted while he pecked her lips. 

Finally he served the pasta in a bowl and after making it less hot with the air from his mouth , fed her while she moaned in delight. 

‘ How is it ? Did you like it ? ’

‘ Its just the way I like it , bava. I loved it ’

She kissed his cheek out of love.

‘ Then have more’ 

She opened her mouth before he could finish his sentence. Jai chuckled and fed her more. 
Vennela loved sitting on his lap on the swing in their balcony . 

He caressed her hair lovingly while she watched the stars on his chest. 

She felt safe and peace in his arms. 

They talked few things until she started yawning . The night was getting colder. 

Jai carried her in his arms and made her lay on the bed gently adjusting pillow supporting her back. She smiled at him. He joined her on the bed after closing the balcony door and curtains. 

Vennela as usual kept her head on his heart while he sang a lullaby for her. 

She smiled hearing his heartbeats. Jai massaged her scalp and patted her back.

Vennela dozed off and slept within seconds with all the love and pampering she was receiving from her husband.

A cute family.



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