Chapter - 8

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Days were passing and their excitement was increasing. Jai had gifted her a small gold bracelet with charms attached to it and a pair of golden anklets which she loved so much.
But more than that which made her brim in happiness was the crib for babies that was delivered to their doorstep the next morning.
Ever since Jai fixed and kept it in their room, she wouldn't leave its side which made Jai smile.

"You love it a lot right ??"

"Yes be honest i loved this the more than what you gifted me..umm...dont feel offended...😗"  she pouted cutely.

"Haha.. i knew it even before purchasing, bangaram. And im not offended at all.☺"

"Our babies will be lying here soon..🤩"
she chirped happily.

"Yes. Our munchkins would be here make our house more lively, bringing hopes and positivity. ❤"

She sighed and leaned to his chest when he gently lifted her bump relaxing her.

"Keep holding bava...i feel so good..😍"
she moaned in relief.

Jai smiled and kissed her neck.

He held her bump for few minutes and placed it back gently making her groan.

"It's tiring to carry them, bava... "

"I know bangaruu.. i would have carried them had it been possible for me"

"I know..but you cannot do that😗"

"Hmm...i guess they are chubby"

"I also think so...☺"

He made her sit on the bed and took her legs onto her lap and massaged it.

"I know if i would say anything you wont agree to it."  She sighed smiling.

"Better dont say. I love doing this.😌" He said kissing her feet.

"Atleast dont do that, bava.😕"

He ignored that and continued massaging.

"Jai..vennu... "

"Atteya... come inside.."

Lakshmi came and sat beside Vennela on the bed.

She tried to retreat her legs from Jai's lap, but her didnt leave her for which she pouted.

"I came to call you both for lunch"

"Yes..we are coming, atteya. You shouldn't have worked a lot. Radha is here no."
He said concerned.

"No problem Jai. I didnt work a lot. I love doing this for my kids. And i know vennu loves my food. So i thought to cook by myself. ☺"

"Sweet amma..😍"  she pinched her mother's cheeks.

"Ok ok enough..come soon..🤭"  she said smiling and went back.

"Ouch ! Bava..slowly..😗"

Jai had cracked a knuckle of her toe.

"Oops...sorry..😁"  he smiled and caressed her feet.

She smiled and gestured to come near her. He did. She kissed his forehead with love making him close his eyes absorbing her love.

"I can't thank gods enough for giving you to me.☺"
She said caressing her cheeks.

"Mutual feelings, bangaruuu.."

He looked in her eyes...

"God..why are you so beautiful ??!!!😍💘"

He dug his head in her neck and gently bit near her collarbone.

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