Chapter - 12

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It was around 7 am. Birds were chirping around, the sweet fragrance of jasmine flowers filled in the air, the drizzle of rain made the atmosphere more cozy. He snuggled more closer into the blanket smiling. But all he got was some pillow.

My wife ?...

He fluttered his eyes open and adjusted his vision to see the bed empty. With a little panic, he checked the crib beside their bed and found babies sleeping soundly. He got up and stood near the crib adoring their babies who were now more chubby, sleeping adorably.

Giving a kiss on their heads softly, Jai went to the washroom and did his morning chores.

Usually i wake up first, its true that yesterday's office works made me late for bed. Hmm...she must be in the kitchen.

He washed his face and wiped it.

Taking the baby monitor with him, he walked towards the kitchen. He bought it two weeks ago which made things so much easier. Vennela could check on babies while she was working.

As expected, she was working in the kitchen wearing a knee length maxi which Jai had bought for her during maternity wear purchase. She looked great in everything, but that skyblue colour with small white daisy prints and morning sunrays falling on her from the windows made her look surreal. Jai was admiring her leaning to the door. As she was busy rolling chapathis with the pin, she failed to notice him sneaking behind her.

Placing the monitor aside, Jai wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her closer towards him.

she screamed lightly and took the rolling pin in air to hit the intruder, lucky for him that he held it at the right time.

"Whoa!!! Baby😳... dont hurt this poor husband.😂"

" scared me.."

"Who else would come here other than me baby.. "

"Hmm.. may i know why my husband is here ?🤨
" She asked while keeping her hands akimbo.

He felt it cute.

"I didnt see my wife beside me in the morning, its your face that i see everyday morning and i came to receive a smile which makes my day 100 times brighter☺" He admitted.

Vennela smiled beautifully hearing her husband who never fails to amaze and make tingles in her with just his words and charm.

She briefly glanced that he was wearing shorts and tshirt, in that morning rugged look, she found him sexy and manly. Along with that early morning husky voice, ufff...

Jai caught her checking him out.

"Sweety, you can sit there and check me properly. Give that rolling pin, i will do the rest😉" He winked at her.

She quickly turned and concentrated on her work while her cheeks were adorned with a red hue which didnt go unnoticed by Jai.

Vennela felt his constant gaze on her while he made himself comfortable on the kitchen slab.

"Ummm..bava...babies are still sleeping no, why dont you go to the room and be with them ? I'll prepare this quickly and come"

He showed the baby monitor to her.

"That's why i took this with me right?😌"

She shook her head smiling and continued to roll chapathis. Some of the baby hair came out from the bun she made which disturbed her. As her hands were covered with flour, she used her elbows to keep it in place which didnt do any help.

Understanding her situation, he tucked it behind her ear.

"Thank you bava..." she smiled

"Mention not, bangaruu"

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