Chapter - 9

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Jai was continuously looking at his wife and babies back to back. He couldn't take in the view that still felt like a dream for him. Vennela was shifted to the room and after few hours their babies were also shifted. All of them were taking a nap. She was exhausted after what it felt like a roller coaster ride. Her body pained like hell and and all she needed was sleep.
He caressed her hair until sleep consumed her. She wanted to wait see babies after shifting them but Jai insisted her to sleep.

Both of the tiny bundles were wrapped in soft white cloth and he felt they were sleeping on clouds itself. They looked peaceful. Even though their family members were adamant on staying at the hospital, he sent them with his babai since they had to have food and medicines and its been long since they were present at the hospital. Only Lakshmi stayed with them.

After an hour, he saw his princess waking up giving a tiny yawn which he found adorable.
She made a tiny cry voice and soon she was in her father's arms which comforted her and made her sleep again with his gentle rocking. Lakshmi was all smiles.
He walked in the room enjoying each moment of his fatherhood. Jai carefully looked at his sleeping princess. Its too early to predict whom do they look similar to ...but one thing he was sure that, she got her amma's lips, naturally pink and cute.

Vennela whispered slowly waking up after 15 minutes.

"Yes bangaruu.."

He swiftly came beside her after keeping their baby gently back on the crib.

He made her sit comfortably.

"Umm...I need to pee..." she said tiredly.

Jai nodded and carried her to the washroom in his arms for which Vennela would have smacked him which she felt as stunts infront of parents had she been energetic.

He made her sit on the commode. She felt pain while urinating just after delivering two healthy babies.

She frowned , he held her closer to his tummy , rubbing her back.

"Paining ?"

She nodded weakly and gave some painful moans which made his heart wrench. She squeezed his hands tightly while doing it.

He cleaned and placed her back on the bed gently.

Just then his princess started wailing. He picked her and sat beside Vennela giving baby in her arms.

She smothered soft kisses on her face.

"Our princess❤"

Jai smiled nodding .

"What happened to my baby ? Are you hungry ..😘"

she talked sweetly kissing her tiny frame.

"Vennu... she must be hungry you need to feed her"

"Yes thats right" He agreed.

Jai helped her by holding the baby while she adjusted her dress.

That was when she noticed the balloons and warm welcome that he has arranged for them. Her eyes welled up with unshed tears.

" are the best. Do you know ?" She said looking around the room.

"And so are you❤"

Vennela smiled.

For a day, he never left their sides always attending to their needs.

"Bava.. i feel like having payasam now...😗"

"I'll prepare for you when we reach home"

"But i want now.. it will take lots of time.😥"

"No bangaram.. We are discharged already , let me settle the bill and we can go back home.
Everyone is waiting at home to welcome us"

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