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Another night we spent together in a bar

"Soulmates aren't real, i don't believe in those things." Hobie said as he rest his face on his right hand.

Y/N stayed silent, she didn't know what to say and sat there as she stared at Hobie.

"What are you starin' at?" Hobie tilts his head with a confused look.

"N-nothing.. I was just thinking about stuff" Y/N replied as she snapped back

"Like what..?" Hobie asked, being curious as always

"Its nothing" Y/N shook her head

"Man you're no fun, anyways you wanna have some beers or cocktails luv?" Hobie asked with excitement on his face

"Sure..?" Y/N replied unsure

"Don't tell me you've never had one before?" He looked at Y/N as he squint his eyes.

Y/N shooked her head, Hobie was in disbelief "Well you gotta try one now luv" He said as he ordered for a rum and coke.

"I'm sure you'll like it" he said with a smirk

He was 100% ready to get drunk. The waitress came with a 2 glass of rum and coke and put it on our table and left.

"Cheers!" He said as he took a big sip

Y/N took a small sip and watched Hobie taking such a big sip

"You like it?" He asked as the alcohol starts kicking in.

Y/N nodded as she took another small sip, Hobie on the other side he's going intense and took such big sip. He's starts getting tipsy and starts acting like a fool.

Y/N couldn't help but giggle as she watched Hobie getting drunk. It was her first time seeing him drunk. And he was adorable.

Hobie was drinking too much and started to get so drunk, Y/N decided to bring him back to his place Y/N had to help him back home anyways. It's not possible for him to walk back by himself, not after drinking so much.

As they got up Hobie couldnt hold his balance he was wobbling. Y/N had to hold him all the way back to his place.

Not long later they were back at his place. Hobie threw himself on the couch as he starts mumbling random words.

"Y/N.." he said as the alcohol kicks in more

"Hmm?" Y/N tilts her head as she looked over to Hobie.

"I love you.." He said out of nowhere. Y/N was left speechless, she didn't knew he would've said that not after he said that he doesn't believe in soulmates.

"What did you say?" Y/N asked Hobie to repeat what he said.

"I said i love you, you looked so beautiful" Hobie said with a smile on his face. He didn't have the control over his words no more. The alcohol took over and letting out everything that was in his heart. He didn't have the control to keep it in.

"Really?" Y/N said "I thought you didn't believe in soulmates"

"How can i not believe in soulmates..? I love you and you're gorgeous.. can i be inlove with you if soulmates doesnt exists..?" Hobie said as the alcohol took over him, he said everything unfiltered, Y/N now knows what was in his heart this whole time... She wouldn't have known he had feelings for her if it wasn't for the alcohol.

"I really do love you Y/N, i wanna marry you.. Do you love me back..?" asked drunken Hobie.

Y/N smiled. "And what if i do?"

"Mm.. Then i shall marry you" Hobie said "I'll sing a song for you on my guitar" He took his guitar and plugged it in his amp and starts singing his love to Y/N.

Y/N chuckles as she watched Hobie being silly. Who knew Hobie acts like this when he's drunk?

The night went by with Hobie showering Y/N with his loves and confess his love out for her, and guess what he even 'proposed' to her. What a silly anarchist eh?

Hobie locked his eyes with Y/N and looked down on her lips, he couldn't hold himself back and leaned in closer and kissed her sweet lips.

"Youre mine Y/N..." he whispered.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

740 Words

Dont forget to vote! I'll try not to take so long to post the next part, since im busy with school it'll be harder!
Don't forget to vote for more chapter! <3

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