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He wants to follow her, but he knows that nothing he does will fix this. He will only break y/n more as he struggles against the pain eating at him inside.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Y/n reached back to her apartment. She was soaked with rain water she cried even more as she enters her apartment room. Her heart breaks pieces by pieces. Anger grew inside of her and she broke everything she saw as she walks to her bedroom.

<With Hobie [3rd person POV]>

For weeks, Hobie sits in his apartment. He doesn't go to work or classes. He doesn't eat or drink. He just sleeps, or stares at the ceiling until he eventually forces himself to get some rest.

His phone rings constantly. Phone calls, texts, voice mails from friends asking where he's been or if he needs anything. But he doesn't even look at his phone. He just lets it keep ringing.

He feels like a lost soul, wandering the dark night alone. He doesn't know how long this will last. He doesn't know if it will ever end.

<With Y/n [3rd person POV]>

Weeks passed y/n's eye bags was crazy. She looked horrible, her place looked like a shipwreck. It was all a mess. Everything was a mess, her heart, herself, her life, her apartment.

Y/n got up and let out a sigh then decided to head to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was skinnier and looked pale. How could she not? She cried horribly for the past week, didn't eat anything, stayed on bed 24/7, leaving her phone with her internet off so no one could reach her.

Y/n took a deep breath and banging her head on the wall. She let out all my anger and didn't mean to punch her mirror and it cracks leaving her hand bleeding but at this point, she didn't even care about the pain, she was too hurt and heartbroken and angry with everything.

She has cried. She has screamed. Y/n has done everything in her power to escape the pain. But it won't go away. Her pain will not leave her. It is with her every second of every day, eating away at her, her heart breaking every moment with grief and regret.

But every day she wakes up alone, every day she goes to sleep alone, is torture.

Days pass, and y/n's tears flow. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they don't leave her life. Your heart aches with loneliness and longing. Y/n misses him so much, but she can't bring herself to forgive him for the lies he told and the pain he caused.

Y/n lie in bed, clutching a photo of her and hobie together, his arms wrapped around y/n as she kiss him sweetly, trying to pretend that the joy of that moment isn't tainted by the pain and suffering she feels right now.

Y/n decided to go on her phone and turning her data on her phone, in a few seconds her phone exploded with a bunch of missed calls and text messages from her friends and family

At first, y/n ignore them, but they keep coming, filling her phone until it finally overflows. Y/n knows that she have to do something, so she picks up her phone and start texting back, but each text and call is a reminder of the pain and suffering that she feel every day since Hobie left.

Anger and sadness grew inside y/n. She couldn't handle her feelings and threw her phone causing it to shatter against the wall, and the shards of glass scatter across the floor.

Her chest and throat burn with rage, and tears stream down her face. Her heart is pounding, her stomach churning with anger and pain. Y/n wanted to scream, y/n wanted to shout, but she can't bring herself to make a sound. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, but no sound comes out.

She's alone, and no one can seem to help her. Not her friends, not her family, not the person who used to call her "his lover".

Months passed and she has spent months alone, her apartment in complete disarray, shutting everyone out and away from her. The walls are covered in cracks and holes, the furniture broken and scattered. Y/n look thin, her eyes dark and lifeless, her skin pale and sickly.

Her family comes to visit, but y/n doesn't want to see them nor anyone. Y/n doesn't want anyone to see how broken she has become.

Rain is pouring heavily outside. Y/n turned to look at the edge of her bed. She walked towards it and took the hoodie there, it was hobie's. She changed into her shorts and wear the hoodie and put on her sneakers then making a run out of her apartment.

Her legs ache as she runs in the pouring rain. She has never ran so far or so long before, but her heart and brain are racing, telling her that she must go to the only place where she feels safe. She knocked on the door, her skin being soaked in the cold night air. Y/n feels cold and weak, but she can't go back. Not now. If he rejects her, if he can't forgive her as she has forgiven him, then she's lost. Forever.

Y/n took another deep breath and wiped her tears away. At this point she didnt care how horrible her looks is right now. She just need him back right now, at this moment. She wants him. She needs him. Once again she knocked on the door and waited for a response.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

936 words!!

HIII! I just finished my exam WOO but I still got bunch of stuffs to do buttttt I had time to finish this chapter. And OH. MY. GOD. IM SICK. AGAIN. And here I am feeding you guys with new chapter nyehehe, ALSO IM SO SORRY THE CHAPTER IS SO SHORT😢 But i still hope you guys enjoyed it🤍🤍 Thank you for the votes! AND THIS FANFIC REACHED 1K+ READS AAAAA😻😻🍬 Okay enough random emojis. LOVE YOU ALL!! HAVE A GREAT DAY, IF YOU HAVENT EATEN GO EAT, GET ENOUGH SLEEP, DRINK WATER.🫰

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