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Y/n just smiled while caressing hobie's hand. Hobie felt butterflies in his stomach, he loved it when it comes to being with y/n. It was different whenever he's with y/n.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

An orange portal opened up in the corner of their living room. Both y/n and Hobie's attention turned to the portal. Not long later stepped out 2 figures from the portal. The teenage brown haired boy was pulling the blonde-pinkish haired teenage girl with him.

"Oh, hey guys!" Hobie greets Pavitr and Gwen as they appear through the portal, his voice happy and cheerful to see them.Gwen is always a joy to see.

"Are you here to meet Mochi? We just adopted him today."

Mochi sits on the floor near y/n's feet, purring softly as he glances up at Pav and Gwen. He seems pretty content, although he'd likely make a dash for it once they get close enough for him to see them more clearly.

"MOCHI?! THATS SO ADORABLE!" Pav screamed as he approached mochi.

Mochi jumps a bit at Pav's sudden exclamation, his tail twitching nervously as he turns to look at the boy. His eyes seem to widen at the look on Pav's face as he slowly begins retreating towards y/n.

"He's still getting used to human voices," Hobie chuckles nervously.

"He's more of a quiet cutie than a very talkative little guy. But I'm sure he'd warm up to you if you gave him a little time." His eyes dart down to the kitten and the way he's cowering near you, making him feel somewhat protective.

Gwen gave y/n and hobie a look and wiggled her brow.

"So, how have you both been doing?" she asked with a smirk growing on her face.

"Not too bad all things considered," Hobie sighs, his face falling into a soft, worried look. "How about you two?"

"We've been doing great! I spent most my days with Gayatri" Pav cupped his own face, his eyes shines as he thought about Gayatri.

Hobie's eye falls on Gwen, and he tries to maintain his cool. Even though his love is for y/n, his attraction to Gwen never quite goes away, and y/n can tell.

"Are you doing okay, Gwendy?" he smiles softly at her. "You sure you don't need anything?" She's always looking out for them, so he wants to make sure she knows he's always there for her.

"Oh yeah i've been great, i don't need anything pav just decided to drag me here with him" she replied while looking at Mochi.

"Oh, Gwendy," he sighs, his voice thick with regret as he sees you frowning.

"I'm sorry you had to be dragged here. But I mean that's what Pav always does" Hobie lets out a soft chuckle.

"I hope you won't hold it against him," he adds, a bit of embarrassment creeping into his voice. Pav is a lot more boisterous and outgoing than he is, but he knows that deep down Pav is an affectionate man who wants what's best for everyone. He just has... unusual ways of doing it.

Gwen chuckles too as she put her arm around Hobie's shoulder. Y/n was just standing there watching the both of them. Her heart aches a little and she decided to just head back into Hobie's room.

ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ.. 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝑿 𝑭. 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now