Chapter 10

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I let out a frustrated growl, still trying to catch my breath. I can't remember if this dead end has always been here or if Miss Midnight had one of her minions put it here.

"What's with the attitude... and new hair colors?" She asks, making me spin around. I would start yelling at her if I wasn't struggling to breathe.

I can tell she's smiling by the look in her emerald green eyes. She always wears a mask that covers her nose and below, so there's not much in her other than she has curly black hair, green eyes, tan skin, and stands around five, five.

"Hello? I asked you a question," she says playfully as one of her minions jumps down from a wall, she calls them her nights- which I find really funny.

I swallow my pride and say, "Because we're going undercover... why're you here? You don't want Ace"

The thing about Midnight is, she chases excitement. She was chasing Ace for a little while because of the challenge. She caught up to him, but he didn't fight back the way she wanted, so she stopped chasing him.

She's considered a bounty hunter, but she only goes for bounties that'll give her hype, which makes me wonder why she's here.

"Ash owes me a fight!" She says, winking. I roll my eyes and turn to Ash.

What is wrong with her nights? She literally only collects bounties if she kills them. Why do they follow her around, do they also want excitement?

"Why'd you choose now?" I ask, taking deep breaths. In the top five, she's only one number lower than Ace...and one higher than Ash.

"Because I wanted to...Are you a normal?" She asks, turning to me. I stare at her for a moment before slowly nodding. She lets out a long breath before saying, "Guess we'll hafta go easy on you, huh?"

"Please don't," I mumble, feeling awkward. She giggles as she says, "So you wanna die?"

I turn to Ash to see him wearing a dead look. I roll my eyes as I say, "Ash, why does Midnight want to fight you?"

"Something to do with the fact that she can't kill me," he says, his tone empty.

Midnight giggles again as she signs something to the night on her right, then she says, "Yep, and Ace also owes me a fight, which I'll come back for."

"You're not going to take me away?" Ace asks, wearing a smirk as he finally says something.

"Not unless you want me to," she says, rolling her eyes. She signs something to her other night and I prepare myself. I put my bow and arrows into inventory, so I pull those out because, yeah, I'm a normal.

It takes the blink of an eye for Midnight to run towards Ash and take the first strike. The night that was on the left side of Midnight runs at Ace and the other runs at me.

I shoot an arrow at them knowing they'll expect it and dodge, I use that moment to shoot one that hits them in the shoulder. I hear them growl before yanking it out.

"Ew," I mumble as they throw it aside. They look up at me and tilt their head. I punch them in response, I expect them to catch it, but their speed is what gets me the most.

My shock almost becomes my downfall, but before they can strike back I kick them. They jump back and trip me in the process. I kick them and manage to hit them at least once.

They jump up and tower over me, I roll over and kick their legs again before standing. They stumble back, leaving me an open space to jump at them. I punch at them as many times I can, knowing they'll dodge. I surprisingly hit them.

I pull out my pocket knife and when they come at me I stab it into their stomach. They stumble back and pull it out. They stare at the blood dripping from the knife.

I barely have time to react as they throw it at me. I don't fully dodge and I'm cut on my cheek. It feels deep and it runs so quick. I bring my fingers up to my cut and when I pull away they're covered in dark red blood.

"Fuck you," I whisper before pulling out my whistle and play a few chords. The other four stumble back and cover their ears, but the one standing in front of me is just listening in a way like they're in a trance. Hybrid.

Normals hear the instrument as it is, specials hear it as high pitched scream, monsters don't hear it, and hybrids are mesmerized.

I begin to play a song but then Ace yells for me to stop and I hear the other night crying, so I listen.

"That was lovely," they whisper before lifting their arm up. I watch them open their inventory and pull something out. When they lower their arm they show me a sword and point it at me in a gesture that asks if I'd like to join them.

I open my inventory and pull out the only sword I own and put my bow 'n arrow away. I can almost feel them smile as I tap their sword with mine. I nod and we begin.

We both know that this battle will likely end with one of us dead, but we both act like it's some sort of dance. I'm not very talented with the swords, but that doesn't stop me from giving my all... a part of me tells me that they aren't.

"Okay! We're gonna go!" Midnight yells, catching them off guard letting me cut through one of their hands. Although it's the point in the fight, I feel awful.

None of us expected, but Midnight is the only one who does anything. She gasps and storms over, "Oh my goodness, Cassian are you all right?!"

Cassian? That's their name?

"Ace you're next!" Midnight shouts, shooting me a deathly glare.

"Goodbye." She grabs both of her minions and then once I blink, they're gone.

"What the fuck, she has telportation?" I say, feeling light headed. Physco, she wanted to chase us.

"Wow, you gave him a good hit," Ace says, dropping into bloody snow. I run to him and drop beside him, grateful when I see the blood isn't his.

He looks up at me and places his fingers on my bleeding cut. My cheek goes numb and then the pain disappears.

My face burns as he moves to the next bloody spot. I turn to Ash and mumble, "Thanks."

"How're you? You fought the leader, " I say once Ace finishes healing my wounds. Ash is lying in the snow when he says, "Awful. She only stopped once she noticed I couldn't take anymore. I'm weak."

I blink at him and turn to Ace to receive a shrug.

"Shut up Ash, we gotta go," I mumble as I stand. I walk to him and look down at him. I wince for him as I see that he's covered in burns. He looks into my eyes and we stare at each other.

It's fascinating to watch the pink and red burns turn back into his fair skin, it reminds me of drying a cast iron over a fire.

"I hate fire," he mumbles once I kneel beside him, "yet I married someone whose ancestors are known to be the first controllers over fire."

"Wait, do you mea-"

"I pick where we go next," he says, interrupting me.

I roll my eyes, but nod.

Why'd you interrupt me, huh?

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