Chapter 55

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So, from here most of the chapters will be in her pov.


I can barely breathe.

"You can stand," he says. I listen, slowly rising and keeping my eyes down.

I can feel his power radiating off him. His voice is calm and gentle, but it sends shivers down my spine.

"What's your name?" He asks calmly.


"What's your last name?"

I take the chances of looking up. Doesn't he know my name? Why's he asking what Dawson had to have told him? That's what I was thinking when I looked up, but when my eyes settled on him, my thoughts changed.

The twins have his eyes. He looks sick. He looks weak. His expression is gentle. He looks welcoming. His hair is a silvery white.

He's motioning for me to sit across from him.

"It's Firsenby," I say, looking down again and making my way to the seat. When I sit on what must be a cloud, he says, "I heard you brought Ace in."

"Ash helped me."

"Don't be modest. Pride is good."

But it can be poisonous. I don't say that. What comes out of my mouth is, "Sorry your majesty."

He waves a dismissive hand and moves into his next question, "Dawson told me about your upbringing."

For some reason, I flinch at the emphasis he puts on upbringing. He seems to notice because he adds, "I don't want to punish you. You're the only person who caught Ace. But..."

My head shoots up as I wait. He takes a deep breath (which seems to have some struggle) and says, "But something needs to be done."

I nod and look down at my hands

"How old are you?" He asks after a moment's pause. I don't look up as I mumble, "Nineteen, sir."

"You are quite young. How long have you been out on your own?"

"Three years. About."

"You must be clever to have survived all that time," he says, coughing. I look up and nod. He nods back, "Declan thinks you'll be useful to Pentinovēn, what do you think?"

"I can do anything. I'm a quick learner," the words come out of my mouth in a rush. They roll off my tongue before I can stop them. And once they're out, I snap my mouth closed.

I just overstepped.

He nods and reaches for a letter sitting on a small round table probably only used for setting mugs, "I would like to make a deal with you. Would you like to hear it?"

I nod.

"Do you think you can convince the stubborn?"

I nod again.

"You have a week. If you don't get a response by that time, it's the same as no," he says, a smirk on his words. I nod and look at the letter.

I can do this silly task. Whatever it is.

"Read the letter before you give it to Dawson. If he says yes, your family lives. If his answer is no, they don't. It's completely up to him."

"Con-convince Daw- I mean..." I sputter, trailing off as I take the letter from him. I have to convince that cocky Prince who probably hates me to say yes to whatever is in this letter?!

How? And in a week? I... is it really that bad?

"That's all. If you don't mind, I'd like to get some rest," his majesty says with a small laugh. Then a cough.

"Do you need help?" I ask, my voice strained. He shakes his head and says, "No, just read that letter and give it to Dawson."

I nod and hastily leave. I don't know my way around, so I call for Ash. He says he'll be here in about ten minutes, possibly more, so I open the letter and read it:


I know how very select you are. We all do. Always need everything to be perfect.

Nobody's perfect. Get over it.

I stop and look around. This does not sound like the king. The letter is written in clear and somewhat sloppy cursive and at the bottom it's signed, Declan.

I know you have a soft spot and I know what it is. So I came up with a little something.

Lux, this part is for you. Hate me, it's really best this way. My hot-headed and oh so stubborn brother is very lucky about who he wants to marry. So I chose you!

My hands start shaking. I know what the rest of the letter has to say. I know what Dawson called me, one of Declans little projects.

I know, awful. I would hate reading that too. I'm sure my father told you what will happen if he says no, right?

Well, Dawson doesn't know.

Dawson, she'll lose her family. All of them. Not just her parents. Yes, she'll live if you say no. But she'll probably be sent to the corps. Are you willing to let go of your stubbornness and marry someone from the districts?

She doesn't have any skills. She has a foul mouth and a sour attitude. (Lets not forget the fact that she barely meets the standards). But you can save her family.

The more I read this the more I hate them. Both of them.

Quite honestly I would want to say no. (Sorry Lux!) But it's your choice. You have a week to decide. If you have no reply, it's the same as no. It is no. You would be ignoring her.

Remember this is a choice that will affect Pentinovēn's future. She'll be the next queen.

Declan. :)

"That mother fucker! He even put a damn smiley face! I might kill him!" I yell, throwing the letter, "And how dare he be so superficial! Said I had a sour attitude!"

"Are you alright?" I hear Ash ask. I look up at him, shaking. "No, no I am not. Read the damn letter."

He eyes it, but doesn't pick it up, "Why? What is it?"

"Read it," I breathe, sliding down to the floor. I probably shouldn't have shouted. It's too late now. Mr. Arrogant will probably say no anyway. Who cares if I call his brother such awful names? Not me.

"Oh..." he hands it back to me. I snatch it from him and whisper, "Take me there. Then take me to Ace."

He nods and turns around. when we make it to the elevator, I ask, "What do you think he'll do?"

"He was engaged once. He ended it two months later." It's not much of a response, but I can read between the lines.

It's probably gonna be a no.

What do you think he's going to say? Yes or no?

I has a sad ending.

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