Chapter 27

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I'm being too impatient.

I can't wait to see Victoria, but how will I deal with Ace? Lux already told me she met Victoria, so I'm sure that won't be an issue— but Ace.

I also have a strong feeling he's going to try to run soon. I don't know when, or how, It's just a hunch. If you know him, Ace is quite predictable.

If he runs before I see Victoria, then I'll have more time with her because I won't have to deal with him. So if he runs... should I let him?

"Hey, Ash..." I hear Lux say, breaking my chain of thought. Her voice is barely above a whisper and her eyes keep darting around the room.

She chews on her lip and gives me a small smile before sitting across from me. I decide not to be angry at her for one reason, she's terrified.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, handing her a menu. She looks like she's about to decline, but accepts the menu anyway. She sets it down before setting it on the table and asking, "What's that?"

She points to the glass in front of me, close to the window, "It's sweet tea."

"What kind?" She mumbles, looking the glass up and down. She leans a bit closer as she asks, "Is it a flower native here?"

"Yes, clever of you to assume. Do you want it, I didn't drink any," I ask, setting it in front of her. She turns pink and shakes her head.

"Are you sure? I wanted to prefer a different drink anyway, I probably won't drink this one," I say, opening the straw. She chews on her lip and watches as I drop the straw into the glass.

I raise an eyebrow at her, waiting for her response. After a moment of thinking it over she mumbles a silent 'I guess' before taking a sip. Her eyes widen and a look of shock fills her face. She stared down at the drink before going back and drinking at least half the glass. I can't help but laugh, it's the same way I reacted when Victoria gave me some.

"What the fuck is this?! It's so good!" She says, picking it up and staring into it. I shake my head and take the menu from in front of her, scanning the meals again.

"So... how long's it gonna take for us to make it to our stop?" She asks, setting her drink down. I turn to the window and say, "Probably a day or two. We might ride the train to the next district as well, which would be at least three days."

She nods and takes the menu back from me, "What's your relationship with the Royal twins?"

Ugh, this again?

She looks up at me for a moment, "I want to try this burger..." she says, handing the menu back to me.

"Why do you get so much of their protection?" She asks in a hushed tone.

I sigh and look down at the menu, "Dawson is the crown Prince and he wants me to be second in... command."

I don't think I should've said that...

"Oh! I have another question, why isn't Declan the crown Prince? He's the first born?" She asks, unfazed by what I just told her.

"I don't think I'm allowed to share that," I say, picking a meal.

She sighs and slumps back into her seat, "Then what about princess Arabella? You almost never hear anything about her," she nods and looks around the room, "Um... could you call them over?"

I turn to the first open employee and wave to them, holding up the menu. They rush over and we order our meal, and once they leave Lux is back to the conversation.

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