Chapter 16

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Don't panic, don't panic.

...even though there's a monster out there that might tear you limb from limb.

Stop it! Be useful!

"Should we stay put?" I whisper, feeling dumb once the words leave my lips. I look between them before adding, "Or we could leave."

"I don't think leaving is the smartest idea," Ace says, still somewhat asleep. I ignore him and turn to Ash, who says, "I think Ace is right, there are more monsters outside and that's a risk I don't want to take."

I nod and get my bow and arrow out of my inventory. I bought very expensive arrows just for a time like this, when I don't know the monster or their weakness.

"So we're just gonna stay put?" I ask, pointing my arrow at the door, "We can move to a different ro-"

I fall silent at the sound of an inhuman giggle outside the door. I don't know where to place it, low or high? Echo-y or just filling every silent space?

I'm so busy getting distracted by the giggle, that I almost miss Ash signing for us to leave through a door behind Ace. I nod and slowly make my way over.

Ash is much lighter in his feet than I am, and I'll admit, I'm kind of jealous. I've learned to be slow, steady, and silent so that I don't startle my prey, but he's learned to be swift and silent for the intelligent beings.

It's difficult to get to the door in pure silence, the floorboards creak too much and Ace isn't doing a good job at walking quietly.

Once we make it to the door Ash reaches for it at the same time the other one creaks open. I spin around, pointing my arrow at whatever's at the doorway, but...

Nothing's there.

I half turn to Ash before I'm thrown to the wall. I gasp for air as I try to get a grip on my surroundings. I blink hard, my breath quickening.

"Lux! Lux! Lux you there?!" Ace says, looking at me. At first his voice was echo-y but once he got closer it became clearer.

"I'm alive, if that's what you're asking," I mumble once he cups my face in his hands and looks into my eyes. The tingling feeling of being healed leaves as I observe his expression, it's a mixture of worry and fear.

I smile at him before pulling his hands off my chin, "I'm fine Ace," I say looking at Ash who's looking between me and the doorway.

I sit up, reaching for my bow and fallen arrow.

"Well, I know that. I did heal you," Ace says, turning red. I roll my eyes at him and point my arrow at the door again. I slowly stand while saying, "Ash, when I tell you, you're gonna hit it with water."

He turns to the door, but before he can do anything he's also thrown to the wall.

I shoot and arrow blindly, hoping to hit something, which I don't. I know I don't because the arrow just falls to the ground.

I move next to Ace's ear to whisper, "Do you think you could use speed and kill it?"

I pull away and look into his eyes. He turns scarlet as he mumbles, "I can try."

I nod and turn to Ash, mouthing, "Go."

I'm not quite sure where he manages to pull enough water soak whatever's there, but he does and it leaves droplets as an outline.

I turn to Ace to tell him to go, but he's distracted by staring in the monster's direction. With that, I turn as well.

My mouth drops open when my eyes meet it.

It's huge, hunched over but still touching the ceiling with its back. It wears a literal, ear to ear smile. But its mouth is roughly sewn shut so its smile is tightly together. Its eyes are just two black holes, soulless and empty. Its ribs are easily seen, as if it's being starved. Its skin is sickly looking, and it has no hair. Its overall build is human-like but other than that, it lacks everything humans have.

Like its hands and feet, which are like claws.

"Oh my-what is that?" Ace asks, his tone matching his expression like a mirror.

I carefully look back at the creature while whispering, "Ace, you should go now."

He looks wearily at me, but nods. He lowers his body, showing he's going to activate whichever skill he uses, but I stop him, saying, "Use this."

He accepts the dagger, smiles at me then turns into a blur. It's like I blink once and he's standing next to me again, breathing heavily.

A giggle fills the room, making me turn towards the creature. Its smile somehow managed to get larger as it claws at me. Its speed is easily comparable to Ace's, I don't even have time to react.

I try to jump away, knowing I won't get far when I'm picked up. Ash.

Even though I was moved away, it still got a hit on me before dropping dead, soaking the floor with blood. My leg burns and my hands are wet.

"What the fuck!" Ace yells as he drops beside me. I don't remove my hands from my calf as if it'll make a difference. Ace lifts my leg and sets it on his. I drop my hands, letting him heal the cut.

"Well, let's prepare for the worst," I mumble, looking between them. I stand and walk to the door that was going to be our escape route, "Let's try to find a way out, I know there hasta be something."

I don't care to receive an answer from either of them, because if they don't want to follow me that's on them. I'll find a way out, because my survival instinct has kicked in.

"Okay, Ace you'll be in charge of fighting and Ash you'll help both of us, " I say once I realize they're following me. I let a grin play on my lips as I notice them following my orders.

We enter a room filled with mirrors and windows. The first thing I do is set each mirror down, although they could be useful to know what's behind you, they'll be hazardous. The monster can do the same thing and getting grown into a mirror isn't on my to-do list.

The next thing I do is check every window to see how far up we are and if anything outside.

Once I feel okay, I say, "Let's check this room first." The same time an eerie giggle fills the room.

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