2 The director

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After lesson

Penni: Finally this has an end. I couldn't even concentrate one tiny bit because of Skylar Clark sitting in front of me all this time. At least she didn't had to swap seats with Noah, otherwise I would've been so lost.

Actually, I have nothing to do with her. She didn't even ask about me doing her homework once, although she never has them.

Her grades normally aren't something I'm interested in, still I don't understand her risking to fail this class when all of her friends just get their school works done by me to pass the class and concentrate on sports or anything else.

When we leave the room, Zoey speaks up: "Well, Grace, did you live through it in one piece or was Skylar Clark killing of your brain cells?", we all laugh.

"No, I actually did really great with sitting next to Skylar. To be honest, she didn't even try to copy my tasks nor participate in anything. Probably she knows it couldn't help her anymore as well."

All of us turn around irritated and look at Grace, because no one out of us knows, what she's implying.

"Haven't you heard of it yet? The reason she has to go see the rector is her failing the mid term exams. Skylar is most likely to fail this years class and has to repeat it on another school."

Zoey says: "Are you surprised? I mean if what I heard she's doing instead of learning is true, than that's nothing special. With that behavior I'm sure nobody would pass this class."

"Guys, we haven't talked to her personally yet so we shouldn't be accusing her of this without knowing her side of the story. Instead let's concentrate on the main things, like not to be late for our next classes.",Caroline means.

Like always she's right and just as we close our lockers, the bell rings indicating the next lesson starts in five, so we say our goodbyes and everyone goes to their classroom.

I hold Noah back on his sleeve and ask him what Zoey was implying before. He whispers: "Some say that Skylar had a party going on the night before the exams. Rumors say she was so wasted that night that she had several boys and girls with her. They even tell of pictures and all, but I don't know any further or if all that's true. You know how people can be sometimes..."

He walks to his classroom and I do the same, when I get hold back from the rectors secretary. She tells me to come with her and at first I'm confused but still do as I'm told.


Skylar: Gosh finally this lesson is over. I wouldn't have survived one more minute. My concentration was focused on training later anyway. And eventually Miss Arnett as well...

What should I say, I have a thing for powerful women. Although the side eyes from everywhere didn't help either. Anyway, now I have to visit our dear director before he decides to give my mom a call.

As I'm about to walk out of the room, Miss Arnett stops me: "Hey Skylar, I'm sorry for making you sit in the first row, it wasn't meant against you. I just know about your current situation and thought that maybe it'd help you to copy some of Grace's or Pennis notes. You could catch up the stuff you missed during training."

"Thanks Miss Arnett, but I'm totally fine by myself."

"If you say so. When you change your mind let me know and we'll find a solution. I wouldn't want you to fail this class."

"Thank you really much Miss Arnett, I'll let you know if needed. Have a great day."

"You too Skylar. And if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

I smile at her and just nod as an answer. Then I turn around and run to the rectors office.


I knock on the door and a few seconds later I hear Mr. Gonzales asking me in. When I open the door I smile politely and sit on the chair in front of his desk and wait without making a noise.

His hands are laying folded on top of the desk as he starts talking: "Miss Clark, I think you know why I called you in here?"

"I'm afraid I don't Sir. And if it's about me being late, then-"

"Miss Clark you failed the mid term exams. Your grades were by far the worst and with this, the constant late arrival and other certain incidents or rumors, you will not be able to graduate. Our school is highly qualified so we expect our students to achieve the same qualifications or I'm afraid, they don't belong here."

I don't know what to say next. Fuck I can fail this class, I need my graduation or else my parents will freak out and won't let me go to LA! I have to make things right...

"Sir, I can explain this. But please, I don't know how this could've happened, I'm so sorry. Just, please, don't throw me out of school, I can really do it."

"I hope so as well, that's why you will get the chance to repeat your exams. However there are a few conditions..."

I'm so relieved, I'd do anything only to get my graduation and finally start my life in LA with my Dad.

"Of course sir, I will make any effort possible. I promise I can do it, I just have to learn more. Thank you for trusting me Sir."

As I'm about to stand up and go, Mr. Gonzales stops me again: "I wasn't finished yet Miss Clark. I do believe in you making an effort, but that's not enough. For this reason, we organized someone to support you with studying until the exams are repeated."

My relief has quickly vanished and instead, I have a horrible feeling. What if it's a teacher or even worse, one of my classmates?

Fuck no, I can't work with somebody else. I'm not like this teens, who learn in groups with others who are much smarter than them, just to prove how stupid the missed material makes me look. I'll get it done by myself.

Then there's a knock on the door. Mr. Gonzales calls the person in and I turn around to see who just came in.

Suddenly I see Penelope Miller standing in the door frame.

"Miss Clark, that's Miss Miller. She will be your new tutor and support you with the preparation for the exams."

We look at each other equally desperate and surprised. This will be exciting.

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