23 Benches

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After the lesson.

"Penelope, what's going on?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean Sir."

"Your participation in class is getting less since weeks and to be honest, it's affecting your grades in no good way."

"I'm really sorry Mr.Dwight, I promise it won't happen again."

"I hope so Ms. Miller. Have a good weekend." I nod and leave the classroom as fast as possible. Luckily, the weekend has arrived and got lots of time to sort the mess in my head.


Skylar: By now, I'm waiting for over five minutes. While the other girls around the table are talking and asking me for my opinion on stuff that I don't even care about, I just nod from time to time without listening. Even Pennis friends are here but she seems to be nowhere.

Finally the redhead enters the room and makes a huge smile spread over my face. She looks fine as hell. I mean she does look amazing all the time but somehow I can't help the feeling creeping up whenever I see her mesmerizing view.

Her laugh when she talks to her friends; the smell of her when we walk across each other in the hallway or cuddle together after school. It's nothing we do often, but I just enjoy even holding her hand or hugging her, although nothing is better than feeling her soft lips pressed against my own.

Penni is casually sitting there, talking to her friends when I feel an elbow in my waist:
"Watch out Clark, otherwise your eyes will eventually pop out. You surely don't wanna have others to know of your little toy."

Without wasting my words to Kylie I turn to the other girls on the table and start taking part in their conversation.


Penni: "What did Mr. Dwight want?",Noah asks.

Grace looks at me worried: "Why Mr. Dwight?"

"Our dearest Penni had to stay behind in chemistry."

I just roll my eyes and explain to them that it wasn't important and to my surprise they seem contend with my answer. We concentrate on eating again when my mind drifts off. Deeply drowned in delusions, I don't notice how it gets quieter around me:

"Earth for Penni?"

"Hmm?", I look up and see all of them smirking at me.

"Oh dear lord, you are really into it." ,they laugh.

"What're you talking about?"

"The smile upon your lips speaks for itself girl, so tell us. Who makes our shy lovely Penni rave so much?"

"N-n-no one. How do you even get such ideas? No no, I'm absolutely single and-" ,my stuttering gets interrupted by laugher.

"You can try to make yourself believe this shit darling. Come on, tell us everything. Do we know him? Is he attending our school? Omg, is he in this room?"

They all stand up to look around instantly and I just drag them back to our table: "Psst, no he's not here and you certainly don't know him. We met on an event ok? Exactly, and since then we have never seen each other again which is why there's nothing for you to think about."

Everyone sits back with a smirk, then Caroline speaks: "Okay, if you say so. But you eventually will have to tell us more details in the future."

"Oh yes, every smallest, dirty detail."

Again, the girls laugh and I just roll my eyes until Noah says: "Now keep it down y'all, when Penni says there's nothing then I believe her. You're just desperate on new gossip, so let us out of it."

That ended the conversation and we all went to our next courses. I'm being bumped at in the hallway but can't really see from whom. However, when I reach into my jacket and find a small note, I know exactly who it was and instead of being angry, I smile at the thought of Skylar for the rest of this day.

Meet me after lesson outside at
the stadium under the benches


As agreed, Penelope sneaks out of the building after her Chinese lesson and waits for Skylar, who stands in short cheerleader uniform, surrounded by 14 other girls looking alike, in the middle of the football field, while Coach Johnson's loud voice attracts all attention.

Penni also has no choice but to listen from the outside: "Everything from the beginning! And this time not as if you were drunken douchbags who accidentally walked in here! Don't forget to smile, you're supposed to have fun after all.",the coach screams and immediately everyone gets back into position.

At the very front of the group is Skylar and counts loudly on four, so that Penni's gaze moves on her while the group starts their choreography.

She's focusing on Skylar during everything and admires her movements. In all pyramids she's is at the top and every flic flank or rotation ends in a perfect position. Although Penni is several meters away, Skylar feels the stare on herself and knows exactly who it is,  which is why her deceived smile becomes a full glow.

Finally, all the girls are back in position and Coach Johnson lets them go for the afternoon, whereupon Skylar talks to her until everyone has left. Then she sneaks behind the benches where Penni is already waiting for her with a beaming smile:



"So you got my message?"

"Yes, that was really smart of you."

Both look into each other's eyes and smile over the whole face. After some time, Skylar takes Penni's hands into her own and asks: "What would you like to do today? Should we go to cinema?"

"What do you think about me coming to you today and cooking for you?" , she crosses her fingers with Skylar's.

She thinks briefly while their eyes are still on each other. "That'd be really nice. If you want, you could also sleep at my place...We could watch a movie and I'll make you breakfast tomorrow morning..."

"I'd love to, but I have to go to church tomorrow and my parents hate it when I'm late and if I stay with you, then...I'm sorry, I know I'm talking to much."

"It's fine, I understand it, really. Maybe another time."

"I'm really sorry, but I'll make up for it, okay?"


"I'm looking forward to it."

"Don't you want to go with me right away?"

"No, I still have to get a few things for later, but I'll be with you in an hour?"

"All right, see you soon."

Before Penni can answer, Skylar kisses her and leaves without further words. Penni stays for a moment before she gets into her car as well.

Two updates in one day?! Well I guess you're welcome ;)


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