Chapter 3: Ghost Planes, guided torpedoes and diplomatic plans

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Content Warning: Listing of Warcrimes.

The pilot of the SR-71 flew over the capital, when he heard his Radar Warning Receiver inform him that a radar was tracking him. He informed his crew that they had been picked up on radar, and that they would turn around, since they didn't know the aerial interception capabilities of the civilization they had spotted down below.

The SR-71 made a 1degree turn over the outskirts of the capital, and was now flying in the direction of the US, although the fuel gauge predicted that aerial refueling would be needed. All the while, photographs were still being taken. However, after a while, there were no fighters coming to intercept them, nor did the RWR warn him of missiles locking onto the aircraft. This was noted down by the co-pilot as a sign that this landmass could be safely surveyed by the U-2 spy plane.

After a few hours of flight, the pilot decelerated to refuel midair from a KC-135.

Eventually, the SR-71 accelerated again , and cruised back to California, at an altitude of about 10 kilometers.
When it eventually landed back at Beale Air Force Base, the gathered photographic evidence and other data was transferred from the aircraft to the Pentagon, where it would be analyzed. The pilots also wrote a report, stating that it would be safe to send a U-2 to that region for further intelligence gathering.

The Emperor's Throne, 2 pm in the afternoon of the 23rd of January, 1990

"So, the most powerful air Defence Radar was able to see this aircraft for just 23 seconds before it disappeared completely, and it wasn't seen by any other radar?"
The Emperor asked the head of the Air Force.

"Yes, your Greatness, that is correct."

"What is is with these mysterious incidents? First the sinking of  Great Astra and Great Atlas, and now an unknown aircraft with unknown origin, was able to get into our airspace, and only be visible on radar for 23 seconds. What is the meaning behind this?"
"I don't know either, your Greatness. Maybe we can find out more about the new nation if we investigate the site of the Great Astra and Great Atlas's sinking."
"Fine. You can leave now."
The Head of the Air Force bowed to the Emperor and left the room.

"Have Caesar summoned to me.", He commanded one if his Butlers.
A few Minutes later, Caesar entered the Room.

"What is it, your Greatness?"
"I want you to put together a small destroyer convoy to investigate the reason of the Great Atlas and Great Astra's sinking, and to search for survivors."
"That can be arranged, Your Greatness."
"Move quickly. The convoy should consist of 3 ships at maximum, one of which should be a hospital ship to treat survivors. You can leave now. Send a messenger when you have put together a convoy to my specifications. You can leave now."
"I will do so with haste, Your Greatness."

Victor II class nuclear powered attack submarine, near the sinking location of the Great Astra and Great Atlas, 24th of January 1990

"Captain, we have spotted multiple lifeboats! Bearing 30 degrees North!"
The submarine was running at periscope depth, investigating the area where the two vessels of the "Gra Valkan Empire", as their origin was described, were sunk by Kh-22 anti ship missiles.
The captain looked through the periscope. There were about two dozen lifeboats, with more sailors sitting on top of floating metallic debris.
"Report this to HQ. Request a new course of action."
The captain and his crew were surprised that there even were survivors of the missile attack.
As soon as the radio operator reported the finding to HQ, the sonar room reported two new contacts, both of which could not be identified as any known American or Russian vessel. They were moving towards the site of the sinking.
"Battle Stations!", The captain of the submarine ordered.
Within seconds, the crew were all at their station, observing sonar, recording the audio patterns of the ships so that they could be recognized, or manning the torpedo room, waiting for orders to load a torpedo. The findings were also quickly reported to HQ.

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