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"Agent Dawson, you seem like a reasonable enough woman, and I can assure you none of those reports you've received are anywhere near the truth." The man known as Dr. Brenner was telling her. She'd made it as far as his office but that also wasn't very far into the building. There had been enough anonymous reports of weird things happening at this laboratory that someone had the bright idea to send in an FBI agent. Unfortunately the lack of proof meant she didn't hold much power to do anything other than look around and question people. If things even got that far. What she did know was this guy gave her the creeps even if she also couldn't put her finger on why that was.

"If that's the case you won't mind if I take a look around and talk to some of the staff here. They should have nothing to say otherwise, right?" She asked. He looked at her as if he were considering the question way too much for someone who wasn't doing something wrong. Not that it would get her a warrant in any state but she could tell that this place wasn't what it was meant to look like.

"You're right, they would not do anything other than corroborate everything I've been telling you so feel free to ask around but, I'm a busy man and I do hope your investigation will be limited since this is ultimately a courtesy, isn't it?"

"It is." She said, and it annoyed her that he was aware of that. It meant she couldn't really throw her weight around. Not immediately. If she were to find something suspicious or someone willing to speak against him that would be another story but she had a feeling all of his employees were not going to risk it.

"I would prefer that you keep your questioning to this area, since everything else is restricted for a reason. I could be dangerous in the laboratories. I'm sure you understand." He smiled but it was an expression that seemed forced and far from genuine. She nodded and stood up. The bureau had been giving her annoyingly softball cases for awhile now. This wasn't even part of her specialty because it had little to do with the department she worked in. Her superiors weren't entirely sure that she was ready for that so they'd been sending her out on what amounted to mostly be bullshit allegations and random complaints that were serious enough to get an FBI agent to look into it but usually turned out to be nothing. Except, in this case, she was sure it was something and she just wouldn't find out what.

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere that I don't have immediate access to and I should be here for an hour at most." She told him as she stood up, "If there's anyone specifically you think I should talk to first, I wouldn't be opposed to that but I would like to speak to them alone. Including without cameras." She motioned to the one in the corner of his office. This place was loaded down with them so she wondered if a room like that even existed. He didn't look very happy that she'd said that but he probably knew that if he tried to contest it he would only look more suspicious and then she would have more to go on.

"I'm afraid for security reasons there are cameras in every room but I can happily have one set up where they are not recording, you'll just have to give me a moment." He said.

"Take your time." She smiled. He nodded and then left the room, seeming to look at her the entire time he was doing it until the exact point it may have been creepy before he stopped and left. She breathed a sigh of relief once he was gone. That guy was really creeping her out but there was no point in trying to push or intimidate a man she knew was powerful and had connections. The legal red tape alone would be a nightmare if she started to push back without anything solid. She took a sip of her coffee, listening to the clock ticking on the wall in the eerily silent room. That in of itself was unnerving. Just as she was starting to think it was a tactic to make her paranoid she heard the door open behind her, she turned, expecting it to be Brenner but it wasn't. Instead she saw a very tall and hauntingly attractive blond man step in there. He was one of the orderlies she had seen before when heading to this office. She had been aware he was trying to get her attention because of how he kept looking at her but he never did anything overtly enough for her to have a reason to say anything to him.

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