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"I've never been on a plane," He said as they approached the jet. It was a larger one than she'd expected but her orders had been to get whatever was available and as quickly as possible. They'd only had to drive a few hours to the nearest major city with an airport where a charter flight was available. Since money wasn't an object, it didn't matter the size but she was kind of annoyed that it wouldn't have been her choice if she had time to pick and choose. Surprisingly, Henry had been very normal until that point. Maybe because he'd gotten some of his pent up aggression out of his system, for the moment. Either that or he knew he had to control himself until he had her completely alone, which wouldn't be very long from that point. "It's safe right?"

"Completely safe, I've done this a thousand times." She said and climbed up the stairs to get on. The flight was going to be about ten hours, which was significantly shorter than if they were going to try to fly commercial. Not bad for her but for him, since it was his first time on a plane as far as he claimed or possibly remembered she wasn't sure how well he'd do. Luckily, this was some sort of tricked out luxury jet that she'd have never laid out the cash for otherwise. She'd specifically requested there be no attendants on this flight, just her, Henry, the pilot and co-pilot. It would reduce the chance of anything going terribly wrong.

The immediate interior was a lounge-like area with a couch and a few chairs. There was a table between that and a bar area. A TV and VCR combo built into the wall on one side. She saw a shelf under that with a selection of tapes, though they weren't movies she'd ever heard of for the most part. Other than some of the ones that were horror, she only knew because of her friend who had dragged her to see them in the first place. There was also a stereo system which seemed to be part of the entire entertainment area. "Make yourself comfortable."


"Yes," She said and went over to the bar and opened it to find a bottle of vodka. There was a small selection of soft drinks as well as juice in the minifridge under that so she grabbed some cranberry juice and took that out. Then a glass in which she combined them, but she definitely added more vodka than juice. Henry took a seat on the couch across from where the TV was but he watched her closer than he was watching anything else.

"What's that?"

"Just a drink, should help me relax a bit."

"Would it help me?"

"Probably not and I don't think you'd like it much." She said and took a sip. There was no way he'd ever had alcohol but on the very off chance that he had, she knew it couldn't possibly be a good idea to get someone with his abilities intoxicated. At least not on a plane. If they were going to test that out she wanted to be on solid ground and away from anything flammable.

"Let me try some of your drink then, I will decide." He said. Since she knew she wasn't going to have a choice because he would take it from her anyway, she held it out towards him. He took the glass and then sniffed it gently and made a face. "This is what you choose to drink?"

"You get used to it, maybe, like I said I don't think you'd like it very much." She sat down across from him and got a pack of cigarettes from the bag that she'd carried on board with her. Over the course of their trip she had arranged for quite a few medical supplies. Things that were really pushing the boundaries of what she could legally have with her but she was able to throw her degree around and convince a few people she was transporting a patient that may require certain things. Since patient information was confidential, they couldn't really call her on her bullshit and they knew it. This left her with a small pharmacy of pretty heavy drugs as well as other supplies like syringes, a scalpel, a suture kit, and then regular everyday over the counter items. She'd already considered the possibility of broken bones, only when it came to herself, so she'd have been stupid not to consider bringing along morphine. A lot of it. As she lit her cigarette she watched him continue to study the drink then eventually take a small sip. With much hesitation he swallowed, made a face, and held it back towards her.

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