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At some point, she had dozed off again. Probably due to the combination of medication and the somewhat strong drink she'd had. It wasn't a deep sleep, it was something light and there weren't any real dreams. What she did find strange was that she soon became aware of what felt like a hand on her thigh. She opened one of her eyes slightly and shifted it in Henry's direction. He was just sitting there and appeared to be looking out the window nearby him. He was clear across the plane but it was definitely a hand she felt and it was definitely moving up her thigh. Then she felt fingers, a delicate touch. Almost as if they were feathers more so than digits. Enough pressure to not be her imagination but only just barely and they were teasing her cunt. There wasn't any way it wasn't him doing this to her but, how? She had felt him slap her without actually using his hand but could he do this? What other explanation was there?

Since it felt kind of nice and she also didn't want to risk making him violent on an airplane (as that seemed like the worst idea) she closed her eyes again and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. It probably wasn't a good idea to let this continue but did she have a choice? She had a feeling that this was going to happen either way and right now was him just testing the waters. One of the phantom fingers hit just the right spot and sent a tremor of pleasure through her. She couldn't help but gasp in response. If he noticed she didn't know because she kept her eyes closed and rolled over to face away from him, feigning that she was still asleep.

The sensations continued, this time with a bit more confidence and firmness than how they had started. He was really going at her and despite her decent ability to act like nothing was going on (or she didn't notice it was him) he seemed to know that was a lie. Either that or he could feel what she was feeling. Whatever was going on he definitely must be learning from this because the movements were only getting better, not worse, until an involuntary moan escaped her. He'd probed around enough to find her clit and what he was doing to that felt like nothing she'd ever experienced. Not with her own hand, not with another, and not with a toy.

"Fuck..." She breathed bringing her arm up to her mouth to bite down onto her sleeve.

"Would you like me to stop?" He asked after he heard that. "Because that is unlikely to happen."

"I am aware of that." She replied, "But I wouldn't ask you to stop, no."

"Good, because you don't have the option." He replied increasing the intensity of whatever he was doing. She didn't think there were any real words to describe it accurately. Somewhere between vibrating but also pressure or a stroke. It was like three sensations at the same time and before she even knew what hit her she'd orgasmed. Hard. Enough that she sat up and let out a cry of pleasure as her body shook uncontrollably. That had to have been less than a minute. She looked at him and it happened again. Before she could attempt to cry out it happened again and again. He was doing it over and over and the pleasure quickly turned into torment as he probably realized not only that he could do it but that it was basically at his command now.

"Please!" She screamed when she was able to get in a breath of air to get out any words at all. She heard him chuckle, a dark and amused sound but he did stop and finally she was able to go limp on the couch trying to catch her breath.

"I see I know how to do that now." He said. "Probably something to keep in mind."

"Of course." She panted. It wasn't necessarily a good thing, but at the same time, it kind of was. Sure, if he were to do it over and over like that to torment her then it wasn't going to be fun. Not all the time. If he were to do it completely at random at any given point, that wouldn't be good either. She'd look positively insane orgasming out of nowhere and it was so powerful she couldn't imagine that it wouldn't cause her to at least stumble if not fall entirely. Maybe she had successfully neutered his ability to do anything violent with these powers but that didn't mean he hadn't found another way to exercise his sadistic nature. She should have predicted as much but hadn't so really, the only person she could blame in this was herself.

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