Part 1

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Italics are thoughts made by the character.

Gray's POV

Life sucks, and if god was real, he is a dick.

All I am saying is god can go fuck himself. What kind of person would set my life up for me like this? Okay, fine, I'm being dramatic. I just kinda hate life.

A loud banging was made against the bars of the cell I have called home for the last seven months. Yep, that's right, the one complaining about god is a juvenile delinquent.

"Inmate!" Brody the Officer yells.

Brody is an ass, by the way. Like, who the fuck gets a job where he finds joy in picking on the kids who already have it rough. Not like we are living life here on B-Block at Livingstone correctional center for juvenile delinquents.

I roll towards the Officer and stand up from my bottom bunk where I am lying.

I'm all talk because there is no way I will take an additional beating for mouthing off.

"Yes, Sir!" I stand with my back straight and hands behind my back. I don't look at the man with the round belly and the baton sticking out of his holder. I know better than that. I may be in juvie, but I'm not a dumbass.

"Gray, your social worker here," Brody responds harshly

"why?"I look up and whisper.

"Kid, don't know, move your scrawny ass and put your hands through so I can cuff you," Brody instructs.

I wander over to the open slit in the bars, where Brody puts the cuffs around my hands.

I have never been a runner, so they don't place any around my feet. But I have never been a fighter either, so not sure why I need the ones around my wrist. But whatever makes a fat guy feel safe. I mean, I'm literally 5'7 and 115-120ish pounds. Like I am in danger to this guy who could trip me, and I would break. But he knows why I'm here, so maybe that's why he is nervous.

"Idiot," Brody snarks at me.

He has me step back and opens the cell with his card. The gate opens, and I walk through. Brody begins to push me ahead. While my fellow juvenile delinquents make absurd comments to me walking down the hall. I tend to zone out. I mean, I have heard worse from my blood; why do they think calling me a twink or a fag would hurt me. It is beyond me.

Soon enough, we are in the meeting rooms, where you can have family visits or, in my case, my case worker.

I am confused as Brody opens the door because that is not my case worker.

Oh shit, he dumped me too.

"Hello, Gray, Im Miss. Caroline. I am your new case worker. Please sit down." A petite woman with shoulder-length brown hair, smaller than me, states to me. She then gestures to the open seat across from her. Before I can sit, she gives Brody instructions.

"First Officer Brody, can you remove Gray from the cuffs? I don't think he will be making any mistakes while we talk. Right Gray?" Miss Caroline questions towards me

I was beyond shocked; my last case worker was a huge man, again capable of beating the shit out of me. He didn't let me out of my cuffs before the hearing. But this petite woman is okay with me not being cuffed for this conversation. Man, what the fuck is going on.

I nod because I am well shocked.

Brody then unlocked the cuffs from my wrists, leaned down, and threatened in my ears. "Fuck up, and I won't mind putting you in solitary, and remember, there are no lights there," He whispers sternly.

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