Part 2

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Jude's POV

It was Wednesday morning, and my alarm went off at 6:30 AM like it does every day. I roll over and see my husband's back with his head shoved underneath his pillow. He is always like this. He slept through the alarm. I turned it off, and I had to shower. Once I had enjoyed my last moment of peace, I headed downstairs to begin breakfast since the boys needed to eat before school.

As I take the bacon off the stove and set it on the counter. I hear arguing down the stairs.

"Hey asshole, give it back!" Cooper screamed.

The boys are arguing again about God knows what. Cooper shoves Liam, and they tumble into the kitchen. Cooper is without a shirt on, and Liam is ready for the day, but I notice Liam has a smirk on his face when he sits down and grabs a plate to fill his plate with breakfast.

'"What did you do?" I say looking at Liam.

He replies with a sly smile. "Why do you think I did something?"

"Well, usually, I wouldn't say it's you. It's usually Cooper, but that smirk was a dead giveaway," I respond.

Cooper jumps in to explain the situation. "Papa. He did it. I can't find my jersey for the game, and I know he took it, and when I asked him about it, he said no, but he is an asshole!"

"Cooper language," I remind him.

Now I'm glancing between both boys." Cooper, what did you do? " I ask the other child.

"Why do you think I did something?" Cooper responds

I know how my kids work, and I tell them, "Well, Liam only messes with you to get back at you, that means you originally did something, and we need to figure this out. Before your dad comes down here and figures it out for you."

Cooper looks guilty and says, "Oh, fine, I used his toothbrush."

"Gross! Cooper, that's gross, " I reprimand

Liam states, "Well, in my defense, my action was not that bad. All I did was hide his jersey."

"You guys are children," I state while shaking my head before figuring out this problem.

"First, sweetheart, do you need a new toothbrush? Because we can't use someone else's toothbrush, that's disgusting. I will get you a new one. Actually, everyone gets a new one. Please both apologize, and Liam, stop hiding your brother's shit. He already can't get his stuff together on time, and you messing with him is interfering with my coffee time." I explain

"Fine, fine, whatever" Liam waves his hands with a smile on his face

"Now, please eat your breakfast, and Cooper, put on a shirt and deodorant."

"How did you know I didn't put any on," Cooper asks.

"I didn't, but I do now, eat! I'm getting a headache." I respond by filling up my mug of coffee and continue to nurse it down. And the boys are finishing up eating. Grab their belongings to head to school. Peyton comes down in his suit, ready for work. He kisses me on the cheek.

" I know you waited on the staircase until the boys stopped arguing before you came down, so I'd have to deal with it." I smile while sipping my coffee

"You know me so well," Peyton responds by kissing me again on the cheek.

"Ha ha, are you gonna be home on time tonight?" I ask

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